View Full Version : Tagging Recpts in ABS6

2006-04-27, 04:10 PM
Anyone know how the * you tag receptacles with the circuit number?


2006-04-28, 02:42 PM
I haven't specifically tagged a receptacle but I have other devices. Unfortunately it's not a one step process. Here are the basic steps:

1. Create a property set definition of all the properties you would like to add. (Style Manager - Documentation Objects - Property Set Definitions (New Style)) Make sure you select Device Styles in the styles and definitions selection on the "Applies to" tab.

2. Add the new property set definition to your receptacles. (Style Manager - Electrical Objects - Device Styles - Duplex Receptacles.) Under the general tab pick property sets. Click new property set in the dialog box and add the property set you just created.

3. Create a Label Curve Style. (Style Manager - Documentation Objects - Label Curve Styles (New Style). On the Label Style Annotation tab select property set and choose the property set you would like to show. For a receptacle you may want to select the force horizontal justification on the label style offset tab.

4. Now all you have to do is select Add Label on the Annotation palette, select the new label style you just created and select the receptacles on your drawing.

These are the basic steps as I understand them. If someone knows an easier faster way to do it please let me know.

The good thing is once you do this once you can import everything you've done into your next drawing and just go right to step 4.

Hope this helps,

2006-05-02, 03:43 PM
Great! Thank you very much Scott! This is a time I wish there were attributes.


2006-05-05, 07:19 PM

Check out the ABS6 Electrical Tutorial, Lesson 5, Exercise 4. It shows how to quickly create Electrical Tags.

Hope it helps,

2006-05-11, 12:29 PM
all you have to do is go to content browser. search using "circuit", you will then find a circuit tag that has a picture of the number 3 and is named device circuit. place this tool on your palette and it will do exactly what you are asking.

2006-05-11, 11:08 PM
Thanks for the tip Rich.