View Full Version : Revit 9.0 network licenses?

2006-04-27, 06:26 PM
I am preparing to have some of users begin working with Revit 9. We have added the licenses to our license server but we are unable to use the licenses (I am getting an error regard finding the licenses on the server). We are not having this problem with 8.1 and RS 2. I am assuming that there is a new version of the FLEXnet license server that needs to be installed, is this correct? I will still need access to some of the licenses that are already installed, can I transfer a license file from the old version to the new version or do I need to reactivate the other licenses on the new server?

2006-04-27, 06:36 PM

Yes you need the nw ADLM server on the Revit disk or from the Revit download site.
You can continue to host your previous licenses (legally I do not know for how long) if you add the new license text to your license file or place them in the same directory. How you do this depends on how you currently are licensed. We removed the license files from the directory, ungraded the server and put the old and new license files back. When we make a version switch we move the old files to a safe location. We have had to move them back and access old versions because files would not upgrade. However we tend not to leave the old files there because it gets a little confusing and license files have been deleted in the past

2006-04-27, 09:42 PM
I had this problem too and asked support. They informed me

We have had a few other cases like this in the past few days and it seems the problem is related to the ACAD 2007 portion of Revit series. The ACAD 2007 portion also needs to be installed to the workstation in order for it to pull a license for Revit. If you are still having trouble with licenses give this a try and let me know if it works for you.

(Obviously, this only applies if you have Revit Series)

Of course, we haven't received our disks yet, so I'm running the trial version at the moment. Sure hope they're in the mail!

Also note: I asked about the version of the license server. They no longer support the previous version, but it "should" work fine. In any case, if you upgraded the license server when you installed 8.1 (to LMTools 10.8 ), you've got the current version.

2006-04-28, 03:24 PM

Thanks, that was kind of my problem. We had installed the AutoCAD portion first, but some of the computers were installed as standalone. I was under the impression that I could change the license to network after the install similar to the license manager in Revit. Anyhow, once I reinstalled AutoCAD 2007 I was fine.

2006-04-28, 10:25 PM
Support has told me there's a new build coming out in the next day or two that will address this problem.
Theoretically, with this build, you'll be able to install just Revit Series 9 & not DeadCAD 2007.
The problem is (was?) that the licensing portion was in ACAD & not Revit.

BTW, I upgraded from FlexLM 10.1.5 to 10.8 in the midst of figuring this out.
Had no problems with the old licenses.

2006-05-02, 05:06 PM
Just some additional information that I received from the Subscription Support Team.

"..... The issue stems from a service that needs to be running that is contained on the AutoCAD portion of the product, and not the Revit portion. By installing the Revit portion alone, the service is not installed and client machines have inconsistent, if at all, results pulling a license from the server.

Solution One is to do a network deployment of AutoCAD 2007 which will install the missing components for the license server. If you do not wish to build a custom deployment or are not ready to implement ACAD 2007, my understanding is that you may do an out of the box deployment, run Revit 9 one time, then remove ACAD 2007 using the Add/Remove Programs function in Windows and the missing Service will be installed.

Solution Two is to wait for a new build to be posted and download the build when it is available. Doing this, you will not have to do an ACAD deployment at all to get the license to work correctly. This build will include the installer for the missing service in the Revit portion of the program. Our information indicates that a new build should be posted shortly, but we can make no guarantees as to an exact date that it will be available."

I'm currently running a few seats in Trial Mode waiting for a new build to fix this issue rather then jumping through the hoops of doing a newtwork deployment of AutoCAD 2007.

2006-05-17, 02:55 PM
Support has told me there's a new build coming out in the next day or two that will address this problem.
Theoretically, with this build, you'll be able to install just Revit Series 9 & not DeadCAD 2007.
The problem is (was?) that the licensing portion was in ACAD & not Revit.

BTW, I upgraded from FlexLM 10.1.5 to 10.8 in the midst of figuring this out.
Had no problems with the old licenses.
I know this is about Revit, but did you have any of these experiences with just straight Autocad? I'm only upgrading 2 seats of my Autocad 2006 to RS 3 and 4 to ADT 2007 so I will still have 2 seats of 2006 that I have to support (for the time being, my other 2 seats of Autocad 2007 are not here yet). And I'm also upgrading FLEXlm from 10.1.5 to 10.8. Will AutoCAD 2006 freak out?

2006-05-17, 04:07 PM
Can't speak specifically to ACAD2006, but I don't believe you're going to have any problems. The origin; problem was that, with Revit Series, the Windows Service that did the licensing was only in the AutoCAD part of the package. If you only installed Revit, it did not install the licensing. If you only install AutoCAD or if you install both, you're OK.

I never tried this with 2006 (we didn't use the series until Revit 9), but I think it was a new issue in 9 only. It has something to do with the way licenses are granted, which changed in 9.

As far as the FlexLM part, that was the first thing I tried before I called support. I upgraded from FlexLM 10.1.5 to 10.8. No problems whatsoever. And, with your different versions, you've got a different section in your license file for each version (and for each application, for that matter). They will peacefully co-exist.

2006-05-17, 05:11 PM
Thanks, Dave. Damn the torpedoes and all of that. I went for it and didn't have any problems. Well, "any" is a strong word. Every time I try and upgrade through the Internet, I always have some kind of issue to where I have to get a .lic file from Autodesk, but that's belongs in a different thread...

Thanks again!

Andre Baros
2006-05-17, 11:27 PM
Is there any difference between the download version for plain Revit Building and Revit Building Systems? We have both now and I would like to install the same thing on all machines since they'll all be using the same cascading licenses anyway.

2006-05-18, 01:12 PM
plain Revit Building and Revit Building Systems? .
You mean Revit Systems or Revit Series?
After we switched over from plain Revit (8.0 I think it was) to Series, I did a comparison on the two folders using one of my favorite programs called Beyond Compare (http://www.scootersoftware.com (http://www.scootersoftware.com/))
The only difference I found was in the License.INI file. On said REVIT and the other said REVITS
Other than that, all files in all folders were identical

Can't speak to Systems, though.

Andre Baros
2006-05-18, 02:30 PM
Yes, I meant series, our copy of systems is backordered.

Andre Baros
2006-05-25, 07:38 PM
Which build was this problem associated with, and which build fixes it? Or is the build that fixes the problem not out yet.

2006-05-25, 08:10 PM
The original build had the problem (shipped on the CD's, was available on the web for a week or two). Build 20060426_2300 fixes the issue.