View Full Version : My first Model - a Flower

2006-04-28, 02:35 AM

I´m new on the 3D world (as you can see), but I can say I´m "dumb but I work hard"... lol

This is my very first model and just in case someone doesn´t know what this is.. I´m trying to model a FLOWER inside some kind of... of... glass thing (how can I call it?)

I´m also trying to put some lights... And I can see this is the most difficult part: they just don´t go right.

I´m only using autocad2007 and I think it can satisfy me already. No need for more programs.. not this time.

I have some questions that doesn´t come out of my head, even thought they look very stupid I´d say. Let´s see:

- Are textures only applied on solid objects? Can´t I apply them on solid faces separately? If so, that means, I must draw everything alone? No union is allowed?

- Why backgrounds are so hard to deal with? The only way to turn them off is by deleting them? If I create a new view, there they are, overriding everything! And why can´t I open any edit window for the views? Do they exist?

- Are the any "red flower texture" in acad2007?

- Please, share ideas! So I can make my modeling better! Thanks!

- To make the "white background" I had to draw a big rectangle there... Because I just don´t know how to change the default black one. I tried to make a "gradient thing", here:
http://img133.imageshack.us/img133/9687/wd19so.th.jpg (http://img133.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wd19so.jpg)
Well... no sucess...

Here it is... My gorgeus modelling! Feel the power! I cut the glass in two, so we can see the flower inside...
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/7506/rosanotexture7vq.th.jpg (http://img103.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rosanotexture7vq.jpg)

See? Full detailed!!
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/4676/rosanotexture20jw.th.jpg (http://img103.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rosanotexture20jw.jpg)

Now, as you can see... I´m not the gifted one! lol
And it´s not finished (will it ever be?). No textures or light coming from the lamps there....
http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/2949/rosa10he.th.jpg (http://img141.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rosa10he.jpg)

After all.. I´m having fun... ;)
Cheers... :beer:

2006-04-28, 05:08 PM
I don't do much rendering myself, so I can't comment on how to make the backgrounds or lighting better...
just wanted to say that I think your model looks cool! :) neat.

I´m new on the 3D world (as you can see), but I can say I´m "dumb but I work hard"... lol

This is my very first model and just in case someone doesn´t know what this is.. I´m trying to model a FLOWER inside some kind of... of... glass thing (how can I call it?)

I´m also trying to put some lights... And I can see this is the most difficult part: they just don´t go right.

2006-05-21, 07:01 PM
save file as tga,
then open any kind of photo editor, cut image and add background

2006-06-13, 01:44 PM
:shock: It's really your first? :roll: