View Full Version : Existing/ New Walls----filled/unfilled issue

cliff collins
2004-05-21, 05:20 PM
This may have been covered already, but without hours of searching.......

We need our Existing Walls to appear unfilled and New Walls to appear filled solid.

It appears that Revit fills solid existing walls in the Existing Phase --
and makes new walls in the New Construction Phase unfilled by default.
Some may say that this is the "industry convention"----but we want it the opposite to make the new addition stand out from the existing.

Is this true, and if so, is there a way to reverse this to get the result we are after? :?:

Any help here greatly appreciated. :!: :!:

2004-05-21, 05:39 PM
go to settings--> phases
on the phase filters tab, set both new and existing to "overridden" for whichever display type you have, or make a new type and set them accordingly.

The fills for your walls are then set in the settings-->materials dialog. Set the phase-new material to fill black, and the phase-exist material to fill white.

then just make sure your view is set to the cirrect display type (show complete, or whatever you put the overrides on) and it should work...


2004-05-21, 05:42 PM
remember, though, that this means that any view using that display type will not show any wall layers or materials, you will just get the outlines of the walls with the existing filled white and the new filled black.

for this reason, it might be smarter to make a new filter called "filled" or "presentation" or something...

just a suggestion.

cliff collins
2004-05-21, 06:50 PM

That did the trick.
Thanks for the quick reply and good suggestions.

2004-05-21, 07:13 PM
no problem. I asked the same type of question a couple months ago, but I can't find the post now, so I figured I'd just answer...