View Full Version : irregular arrays in hosted objects

Andre Baros
2006-04-28, 11:23 PM
Maybe I should call the thread track lights and shelving standards...

I'm working on my first retail build out in Revit and have two families that are driving me nuts. Track lighting and display standards/shelving standards.

I need to do lighting layouts and layout both the track and head locations, the lamp always needs to be attached to the track, but anywhere it wants to be along the track, the track needs to be able to change in length... and sometimes turn. I'd like to make these proper lighting families so that I can do take offs and check loads at the end. To start with I used our standard track family with a length parameter and track head parameter, and the lights get evenly spaced along the track. Now I need to do actual light layouts and need to move around the heads.

Same problem for store fixtures. I created a slat wall family and various bracket families and need to make sure that the brackets only attach to the wall. This has become less of a problem because the fixtures changed from vertical standards to the slat wall, but when it was standards I had the same problem. I needed to be able to move the standard around and have all the irregularly spaces brackets some along.

Any ideas? Any best practices before I start to build a crazy family with instance and visibility controls for each usable combination of lights per track length.


This might belong in the families forum, but it doesn't get as much traffic and I'm also interested in non-family suggestions.