View Full Version : File Linking/ Visibility Graphics

2006-05-01, 06:05 PM
I am having problems editing the visibility graphics of linked files. Last year, we finished up a shell office building in Revit, then we started the T.I. spaces inside the office building a few months ago. So I linked in the shell building set up the phasing so that tenant separation walls appear as demolished. However, I'm now noticing a problem in the Visibility Graphics window. I find it very odd because the problem is only showing now, after we've been using the file for at least 4 months now. When I need to edit what is visible from the linked shell, I just open the V.G. window and click the "Revit Links" tab. Normally, I can just click the plus/minus sign to expand the window and see all of the model categories of the linked file, however I can't do that anymore... the list of model categories has disappeared! There is just one "check box" on the list now and it says "Unnamed (<Not Shared>)". What does this mean and how do I get it back? I have to be able to edit the linked model. Thanks in advance for the help, let me know what you can.

2006-05-01, 06:14 PM
You have never been able to do what you say. You only got the main category, no subcategory control of linked files. 9.0 may have changed this, but 8.1 didn't have any controls for subcategorys.

2006-05-01, 06:26 PM
I'm sorry, maybe I am mistaken this function for something else. Though I could've sworn that when you expand the list, it shows you the "Model Categories" of the linked .rvt file (Areas, Casework, Ceilings, Columns, etc.) Next to each category is a check box to turn on/off these particular elements. I know I've used this function before, but there is definitely the possibility that I've lost my mind :).

2006-05-15, 05:46 PM
I have experienced the same problem and this is why I am currently on this site. In 7.0, I was able to expand the categories list, and now, in 9.0 - I am getting "Unnamed (<Not Shared>) as you too have experienced. We had quickly updated from 7.0 to 8.1 before going to 9.0 and I was unable to see if 8.1 had the same problem.

I hope it is just something we are doing wrong, and not a new feature in 9.0

Looking forward to assistance from anyone who is willing to help.


2006-05-15, 07:51 PM
I just found out that it is possible STILL to turn model categories on/off in a revit link. Go to VG - revit links tab - double-click 'Display Settings' - 'by host view' - Select 'Custom' - toggle on model categories in its tab (make sure 'Custom' is specified for Model Categories)

2006-05-15, 07:56 PM
I like the that the linking is improved but wayyyyyyyyyy too many clicks to turn the categories on and off to the point where it feels hidden.

2006-05-15, 08:08 PM

2007-12-12, 07:07 PM
is it possible to apply costom display settings to revit links using a view template?
i have tried this but the custom display settings don't get applied to my view.

2007-12-13, 09:02 AM
I personnaly always suggest to create specific linked views in the linked files and simply assign those. It prevent users to change the display of the link view by mistake. And it's easier to control and assign.

clog boy
2007-12-13, 09:19 AM
Found something else that is very usefull to us.
If you set one model in each view exactly like you want it, and you want to replace it for another model, chances are you'd go through the painstaking process of removing the link for the redundant model, load a new model, and set it in each view again.
Just select the redundant model instead (in your project browser), right-click, select 'reload from' and select the new model. Voila, it applies the settings for the old model to the new model. Brilliant.

Since we design entire streets, this functionality is a godsend.