View Full Version : Room Awareness

Steve Jager
2006-05-02, 02:45 PM
We are trying to identify how many lockers we have in three different spaces. We made a schedule for specialty equipment for lockers, listed level, count, family and room name as a new parameter.

The room column shows up but not the room name. Why? Or is this something that cannot be done.

Tom Dorner
2006-05-02, 03:12 PM
In many types of schedules including specialty equipment, the fields from "rooms" are present. You just have to use the drop-down box as shown in the attached image to make them available to select. This was done in V9, but I'm pretty sure it was there in 8.1 as well.

Steve Jager
2006-05-02, 03:54 PM
I selected room name and room numbers from the list as you have shown, howvever, room name and room number are not visible in the schedule

Tom Dorner
2006-05-02, 04:01 PM
Are you using phases? If so, check the phase settings and phase filters of the schedule. Since rooms are phase aware this could be why you are not seeing any data in the room fields.

Steve Jager
2006-05-02, 05:02 PM
Thought we checked it but missed the one in the properties box for the scehdule. Great catch! Thanks tons!