View Full Version : Plan regions and revit 9 upgraded file

2006-05-03, 01:08 PM
I thought I had seen something here recently about this problem, but can't seem to find it.

A colleague has a file which they have just upgraded from 8.0 to 9.0 and the plan regions are now showing the level below, which is not wanted, and which was not occuring in 8.0

I have checked view range settings, underlays, etc but all seems okay. Did somebody else run into this? and if so, was a solution found?

Many thanks,

Oops, I posted this in Revit - Out There by accident - I have reposted here, can a mod please delete the other posting? Thanks.

Mr Spot
2006-05-03, 09:46 PM
Hi Wesley,

Deleted your duplicate post.

I haven't come across this in any of our plan regions, mind you all our upgrades were from 8.1 to 9.0...

does it still occur if you create a new floor plan (using View-->New-->Floor Plan) and apply a plan region? I'd suggest not duplicating the view as the error might transfer across.

Definitely sounds like a bug but I haven't heard of it as yet.


2006-05-04, 10:34 AM
Thanks for deleting me, mate! :)

I seem to only find the time to do these things late at night, which leaves me prone to the odd whoops or three...

Looking further at that file (for instance), the problem with the plan regions appears secondary (they appear to be either overlapping or co-planar, which doesn't make the program happy (not even sure how an overlap was achieved!)) and the main issue isn't with plan regions (none IN the affected view) at all but just appears to be view range related. I have attached two images showing the result in plan and section.

In the plan view the two lines crossing the column are NOT a wall, they are in fact the floor of Basement B1 (right line) and the floor of Basement B2 (left line). The view range dialogue is showing associated level as B1 and there is a 2800 drop to B2. So why are we seeing the floor of B2! Aargh!

Anyway, I will try a couple of things on the file, but if you (or anyone else!) has any ideas, please let me know.


Mr Spot
2006-05-05, 09:20 AM
Are these floors inplace at all? or are they normal floors. If they were possibly there is a point at which this floor reaches the -600mm offset which is causing this edge to display??

Other than that, are you sure there aren't any plan regions in this view? As previously i've found when there are a number of plan regions in a view they can sometimes effect the entire views view range. Deleting them usually resolves the issue. (you probably know most of this already, the other thing to look out for is plan regions don't get selected when attempting to do a window selection, you actually have to hover over them in order to pick them...)