View Full Version : Topography

2006-05-05, 03:53 PM
I'm trying to create a topo surface with an imported DWG when I do it it's creating a Mt. Everest type mountain when it shouldn't be, and by that I mean my topo base is flat and at my main level height, but the top of my topo is literally over 500 feet taller than the base. I've created topo's before but nothing like this has happened, oh And then Revit ran out of memory and crashed. Is there something screwy with my DWG?

Never mind, it was my DWG. It had contour lines off set 500' above other contour lines.


Taylor A
2006-05-06, 03:57 AM
Sounds like your DWG file could have a random point. Can you view the DWG and locate the point or contour. I've had this from time to time. If I know it shouldn't be there I usually just delete it.

2006-05-06, 06:34 AM
Select the topo surface and edit. You will then be able to select points and change there elevation. move them, or delete them.