View Full Version : Add Shift+Click to Mouse Button

2006-05-10, 06:18 PM
My company has just recently upgraded to AutoCAD 2007. We have been told to set a custom .cui as our main customization file. The Acad.cui is now (read-only). I transferred the object snap shortcut menu over to my custom.cui and made some modifications with no problems. I would now like my modified snap menu to be displayed when I hold down shift and right-click. I cannot change the mouse button settings in the acad.cui because it is read-only. I cannot change the mouse button settings in my custom.cui because there are no entries under it. Not even a plus sign next to the mouse buttons entry. How can I add shift+click to the mouse buttons portion of my custom.cui?

2006-05-10, 09:43 PM

Please note I have *moved* this thread from the AutoCAD Customization (http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=118) forum to this one, as I feel this particular forum is a more appropriate place for such a topic.

Thanks, Mike

Forum Manager

2006-05-10, 09:51 PM

For starters, try working through the following threads...

Shift + Right click does not bring up OSnap menu

2006 CUI and Mouse Button Menu

Osnap cursor menu not quite working.

CUI and Mouse Buttons

snap menu disappears

Have a good one, Mike

2006-05-22, 12:50 AM
Please excuse me. I'm brand new to AutoCAD. Attended level 1 training program with Matt Murphy of AutoCAD univ. in Boston last week. I'm using AutoCAD-LT 2006 on a Dell Latitude (W/docking port) my PS/2 external mouse does NOT zoom when using the middle scroll button (nor does it zoom extend). I think I have tried everything...any suggestions? Please. You can reach me after 9 PM ET by Email BanMoore@comcast.net....Thank you

2006-05-22, 10:04 AM

I'm using AutoCAD-LT 2006 on a Dell Latitude (W/docking port) my PS/2 external mouse does NOT zoom when using the middle scroll button (nor does it zoom extend). I think I have tried everything...any suggestions?<SNIP>Hi

Try working through the information found in the following thread...

Mouse middle button (wheel) playing you up

Have a good one, Mike