View Full Version : <invisible lines> for filled regions

Justin Marchiel
2006-05-11, 06:11 PM
I dont know if it is the lines or the filled region, but when i add a filled region to an area and set the lines to <invisible> it seems to override the underlying model lines. is it the filled region pattern that is overriding, or the invisible lines? I dont see anywhere you can adjuct the "thickness" of the invisible lines. I also can't put the region behind the model.

Is this tool working as indended or am i missing the intent of filled regions? I dont want to have to make my regions slightly smaller than the area i want to fill, and sometimes there is varying line weight around the region, so changing the region line style from invisible wont always work either.



2006-05-11, 06:29 PM
If I get your question correctly, this is what I would do:
If you are trying to hide something but you want the edge lines of the existing model to show up, make those lines the same as what is already there and the other lines invisible. Hopefully that makes sense, I'm going to attach a little Revit file to illustrate my point...


Justin Marchiel
2006-05-11, 06:35 PM
it makes sense but i was hopefing that i would not have to do that. I was looking for a way to just use invisible lines, because i could have on a staright way a door which i would have to stop the line and start a lighter line and then heavy again. Seems like a lot of extra work when the invisible line should not have a thickness.

Thanks for you help. A was affraid that it was going to be a work around, but everything can't work as you would expect.


2006-05-11, 08:01 PM
it makes sense but i was hopefing that i would not have to do that. I was looking for a way to just use invisible lines, because i could have on a staright way a door which i would have to stop the line and start a lighter line and then heavy again. Seems like a lot of extra work when the invisible line should not have a thickness.

Thanks for you help. A was affraid that it was going to be a work around, but everything can't work as you would expect.


Yep, 'fraid so...but just out of curiosity, what are you using filled regions for? Maybe there is a better way that doesn't involve using them at all.

Justin Marchiel
2006-05-11, 08:43 PM
well it started off as a general question, but i have used filled regions for "quick" drafting. For example landscaped areas, sidewalks, in wall sections for plywood hatch. I could probably make the material show the section material, but it gets me back to the "quick" landscaping shown above.
