View Full Version : Surface Pattern Issue

2006-05-11, 07:10 PM
I am trying to make a very simple family in which the surface pattern on it would be a diagonal hatch. I have it set in the family to show diagonal for both surface and cut yet when I use the family in a project it does not show up. Can you guys help me - what am i missing???

Justin Marchiel
2006-05-11, 07:26 PM
what is the detail level? I have had this issue that the pattern doesn't show in coarse. switch to medium or fine and it comes back.


2006-05-11, 08:00 PM
I got it to work by making a new material instead of trying to changing the default material settings. However, I need the hatch to be a spacing of 1/16" rather then 1/8th" yet when I change the diagonal hatching setting it again changes it on my family in the family editor but does not reflect the changes in the project???

2006-05-11, 10:40 PM
Dear fellow Reviteer;
Have you tried creating a new model pattern, bring in the same .PAT file, but change the scale when you bring it into Revit?
I have found that this works in quite a few cases. Since I cannot see the result/file where you are having the issue, it is difficult to nail it down exactly.
Best regards,
Teresa Martin
Ideate Inc
Application Specialist

2006-05-12, 01:26 PM
I got it to work by making a new material instead of trying to changing the default material settings. However, I need the hatch to be a spacing of 1/16" rather then 1/8th" yet when I change the diagonal hatching setting it again changes it on my family in the family editor but does not reflect the changes in the project???

The reason it isn't changing in the project is probably because you have changed the properties of the fill pattern defined by a specific name in the family, but the properties of the fill pattern with the same name in the project is still at 1/8th" and unchanged. You have to change it in the project in order for it to change there.