View Full Version : Sloping Coping!

2006-05-12, 09:25 AM
Is it possible to have a profile follow a sloping wall head by using a host sweep rather than an in place family?

The wall head has been altered by editing the wall profile, but when adding a host sweep to the vertical structure, it only seems to follow the original straight line.

Thanks in advance.

2006-05-12, 09:40 AM
If you go to the 3D view, you should be able to pick the wall as the path of the sweep...
(I think?)

2006-05-12, 09:46 AM
Unfortunately I think that a wall sweep will follow the top of the wall, Not the edited profile. I had this problem in 8.1, not sure if it has been resolved in 9...

2006-05-12, 09:58 AM
I tried selecting in 3D, but no luck.............and I'm using Revit 9, so I guess it's just one of those for the wishlist! Thanks anyway for your replies.

2006-05-12, 10:06 AM
Unfortunately I think that a wall sweep will follow the top of the wall, Not the edited profile. I had this problem in 8.1, not sure if it has been resolved in 9...yep your right... I was thinking of just creating an inplace sweep (much llike in the screenshot...)

2006-05-12, 12:51 PM
what about assigning a reference plane to the slope that you are looking for and then selecting the reference plane as your work plane then applying the wall hosted sweep. Not sure if this will work or not i have not tried it out but it is a thought.

2006-05-12, 01:19 PM
I just went through this. In place sweep is the way to go. The wall sweep doesn't want to follow the altered wall even if you use a reference plane to set the wall height.
