View Full Version : construct problem

2004-05-31, 06:40 PM
I have arch desktop 2004 when I copy a model floor plan to a project navigator construct
all my arch tick lines or dim lines are so large and my plan in that same drawing are fine .what could be the poblem. thanks

2004-06-01, 12:23 AM
Here's a few different things to consider, hope they help:

Are the Dim styles that youre taking from one drawing, the same in the drawing your copying the model into? also do the two drawings use different templates? If so you may want to copy the dim styles (using the style manager) from the model drawing into the construct that your copying the model into.
You also may want to check if the dimensions are scaled and if that is being changed when you copy the objects into the new construct. Also are you using the same Dimension style in both drawings
Are you copying actual dimensions when you are copying from one drawing to another? or are you just copying AEC objects and linework and then dimensioning in the new construct when this problem occurs. If you are copying actual dimensions from one drawing to another try just copying the objects without the dimensions and then dimension your plan in the new construct to see if the same problem occurs.

2004-06-01, 02:41 AM
haven't tried all of the things on your suggestion but I will give it a try, but I have tried to copy to my construct without dim lines and it workes fine. Was wondering since I have all my dim lines on my model if I could change them in the construct file. I think that the dim scale should be the same I haven't changed templates or did anything different. I will check all your suggestions just to make sure. thanks for the suggestions sure appreciate the help. larry