View Full Version : Multiple Existing Phases

2006-05-15, 03:46 PM

We are working on a new project that will be an addition to an existing building. We are drawing the existing building now, but want to distinguish between the original existing building and two subsequent additions. Ideally, when one looks at the screen each of those three 'eras' would be identified by a different color.

We're not sure how to do this - we tried making three different existing phases, one for each era of the existing building. This works, but we can't figure out how (or if) you can assign a different color to each. I feel like we need to add a 'graphic override' type in the phases dialogue box, which we cannot.

Any other ideas? The same walltypes were used throughout the three eras of the building, so we would rather not make duplicate wall types for each era, although I think this would work.

Thank you for your help,


2006-05-15, 07:51 PM
Would splitting the existing file into 3 then linking the additions in help? I am guessing that would give some more visibility control...but on the other hand it might make for a little more work.

2006-05-15, 08:36 PM
We have done this using the V9 filters tool.

You cannot filter for Phase Information, so we use the 'comments' parameter as this is available for all objects (except Model Lines). So, in your example you would add either EXISTING, PHASE 1 or PHASE 2 to the comments field for all model elements.

Under Settings->Filter create a new filter. In each of our view windows under Visibility/Graphics - select the Filter tab and apply graphic overrides to your filter set.

This method actually works pretty well. Obviously, it would be much preferred if Revit would properly implement the Phasing tools already present.

The previous post is here :

2006-05-16, 04:04 AM
There's only what came before when you move to a newer phase. So if you move into the next phase everything earlier is Existing (unless it is demolished etc).

If you set up view that show just the NEW work for each of the phases of earlier work and override the settings for how objects look you'll be able to overlay each view on sheet to show them in context. Do this for each phase and stack them up on the sheet.

2007-09-11, 07:28 PM
There's only what came before when you move to a newer phase. So if you move into the next phase everything earlier is Existing (unless it is demolished etc).

If you set up view that show just the NEW work for each of the phases of earlier work and override the settings for how objects look you'll be able to overlay each view on sheet to show them in context. Do this for each phase and stack them up on the sheet.

I was afraid of that. So if I have a project that is renovating a floor plate in two phases (one half at a time), then I end up with three phases in Revit: Existing, Phase 1, and Phase 2. If I hear you correctly, I can't make a view that shows Phase 1 New, Phase 2 New and Existing Existing. In other words, I want to show Phase 2 Complete while showing the elements created in the Existing phase as graphically distinct (gray) from all the new Phase 1 and 2 elements. So now I am trying to overlay Phase 1 New with Phase 2 New to see the complete fit-out without having to use the "complete" phase filter; but I'm not sure how to get the proper underlay for the view to be able to see the surrounding context. Since both "New" views lack any exterior walls (all work is interior), I'm assuming I need to underlay a third view, but which one? Maybe I need to combine the phase overlay with another view that uses a filter based on something entered in the comments parameter of the model elements. Thoughts anyone?

2007-09-12, 01:01 AM
In a single view you can show Existing (gray) and Phase 1 (new, bold).
Phase: Phase 1
Phase Filter: Show Previous and New

In another view you can show Existing & Phase 1 (both are existing, gray) and Phase 2 (as new).
Phase: Phase 2
Phase Filter: Show Previous and New

In another view you can show everything as if completed.
Phase: Phase 2
Phase Filter: Show Complete

In one view you can't show Existing, Phase 1 and Phase 2 at the same time where Phase 1 is bold and Phase 2 is dashed (future) and Existing is existing. There is no phase "state" called Future. You'd have to overlay views on sheets to achieve that.