View Full Version : Total Linear Wall Length Calculation from Schedule?

2006-05-15, 07:07 PM
I tried searching for this and saw some discussion but no answer to my question...

Is there a way to have a schedule add up the total linear length of wall? I get a list of the lengths of all the individual wall lengths, but can't find a way (formula?) to have the schedule add them up into one length?


2006-05-15, 07:23 PM
Create a wall schedule
In the Sorting/Grouping tab select grand totals
In the Formatting tab selec calculate totals for length

2006-05-15, 07:27 PM
Now I see.... there is alot more to these schedules than first meet the eye!


2006-05-16, 04:10 AM
That answered my question as well but I would like to take that a step further. Is it possible to have Revit calculate number of studs per wall lengths and then calc estimated costs of the lumber or is that better being done by hand, still?

2006-05-16, 06:00 AM
You might (?) be able to setup a new field with a formula parameter,

ie no of studs = length / stud spacing + 1

2006-05-16, 10:03 AM
KingBlads method is the right one. Add a formula to estimate the number of studs then multipl that by the cost.

2006-05-16, 12:34 PM
Try these links as well for some additional talk on this same subject...




2006-05-16, 09:11 PM
Thanks Guys! I will give this a go.