View Full Version : Interior Elevation snap problem

2006-05-15, 09:21 PM
I have a second floor with 10" joists and 3/4" deck... my 1st floor ceiling below varies between suspended gyp. board and gyp. board applied directly to the bottom of the joists. In both cases, my ceiling component is a single layer of gyp. bd. (I draft in any details for the suspended gyp. bd. when I need a section showing the space above the ceiling.)

When I place an interior elevation marker on the first floor, Revit creates an interior elevation. In the elevation, I can "snap" the crop region to the face of the walls on either end of the elevation and I can snap the bottom of the crop region to the top of the floor. When I have a suspended gyp. bd. ceiling, I am able to snap the top of my crop region to either the top or bottom of my ceiling.

However; when I have a single layer of gyp. bd. tight against the floor joists, the crop region always snaps to the bottom of the floor above (same plane as the top of my ceiling) and will not snap to the bottom of my ceiling. I always have to zoom in and adjust the crop region to what looks best - but it usually ends up printing funny... the line weight isn't the same as the sides and bottom, or I see specs of gyp. bd. hatch above the line.