View Full Version : Slope Arrows

Scott D Davis
2004-06-01, 01:22 AM
Need a easy way to make a 'Slope Arrow' like you might use on a roof to show which way the roof slopes?

Use Text with a leader! Yeah, I know what you're saying..."Uhhhh....yeah, but the text is always on one side or the other of the leader. What if I want an arrow with the word SLOPE in the middle of the arrow line?"

Simple! See attached:

2004-06-01, 01:26 AM
Great Tip Scott! Thanks. :)

2004-06-01, 01:30 AM
Thanks for the excellent tip! Now all I have to do is remember it!


Mr Spot
2004-06-01, 01:43 AM
I've created a symbol with an adjustable arrow and text over. Just saves the fiddling around with leaders and i'm assured they are all the same.

2004-06-01, 02:40 AM
Mr Spot

I've created a symbol with an adjustable arrow and text over. Just saves the fiddling around with leaders and i'm assured they are all the same.

sounds gret!! A view of your tag or even a download would be great to see! :smile:

Mr Spot
2004-06-01, 03:57 AM
I've attached a snapshot of it. Nothing special. It's actually a detail component - not a symbol so it will scale with views. I simply set-up instance parameters for the tickmarkers and length.


Be sure to insert controls so you can flip the direction as well...! :beer: