View Full Version : Hiding crop regions not working for me

2004-06-01, 03:21 AM
On the "tips'ntrick" main screen, it states
Hate to have to turn Crop Regions on and off in the view properties dialog? Here's the solution: Instead of turning the Crop Region on or off, leave it on all the time, then right-click on it and select "Hide Annotation in View" Now it is invisible, but you can still select it and manipulate it! - Greg Cashen

I must be doing somethin' wrong as I can NEVER get the "Hide Annotation in View" to appear on the menu pop-up...

wots the secret ?

2004-06-01, 03:36 AM
Try selecting it before you do the right click

2004-06-01, 04:53 AM
upon selecting it I get the grip points and break-line points then when right-clicking I NEVER get the "Hide Annotation in View" to appear ...

any other clues ? in theory it sounds like a great tip...

Mr Spot
2004-06-01, 05:26 AM
I just tried it and had no problems at all getting hide annotation in view to display. I selected the crop box and then right clicked on the crop box. What type of view is? My test was on a section view... Maybe it doesn't work in certain types of views...

2004-06-01, 05:48 AM
It doesn't work on plan or 3D view crops.
It does work on Elevation and Section views.

2004-06-01, 05:59 AM
well that explains a lot!

it would be extremely useful plan views...