View Full Version : Converting 'Curtain Wall Panel' Family to 'Window-Curtain Wall' Family

2006-05-17, 01:28 PM
I built a curtain panel using the the 'Curtain wall panel' template. I need it to tag the same as my windows and schedule. I have a previous family that I built with the 'Window-Curtain Wall' template. Both have the same category parameters, and are unable to be changed.

Is there a way to find the parameters or convert the family to another template?!?!?

2006-05-17, 01:34 PM
Please post the family

2006-05-17, 01:42 PM
This is the family that I want to Change to a window.

2006-05-17, 02:19 PM
I can't open the file because I am still in 8.1, but can't you just go into the family, change the family type category to windows and then reimport it into your model?

2006-05-17, 02:36 PM
No you cannot change the category - it is grayed out. And even if you use the 'Window -Curtain Wall' Template, the category is still Curtain Panel, not Window. It still tags it and schedules it as a window though.

2006-05-17, 02:53 PM

We are still on 8.1 so I can't open the family. That's a tough one and I'm not sure I have an answer but thought I would just give you a holla anyway! Is it possible to embed a window family into the curtain panel family and then when you tag the curtain family - it would tag the window that you have embedded?

Just keepin' it Revit


2006-05-17, 02:57 PM
Good Idea McGyver. Unfortunately you cannot load a curtain panel into a family. shucks. I don't want to rebuild this family! by the way Mike - you guys need to upgrade to 9.0 - Archideas is living in 2005!

2006-05-17, 03:10 PM

Actually I was thinking the other way - load the window family into the curtain wall. I'm not really sure if this will work but maybe worth a shot. We have 9 but are waiting for them work a few issues out... hope you haven't done any area plans yet...


Tom Dorner
2006-05-17, 03:52 PM
There is a way to "fake it". I created a window family for schedule faking that is just symbolic lines in elevation. Size it to the extents of your curtain wall and you can now tag like a window.

Yes I know this is not the true Revit way, but I only had two curtain walls in a project someone else started and needed a way to get the CD's out the door quick.

2006-05-17, 04:11 PM
The other thing you could do (which I think was alluded to here in previous posts to this thread) is to switch out the curtain wall panel with a wall (infill some sort of generic wall into the panel in the model) and then put windows into that infilled wall.

2006-05-17, 05:25 PM
Good Idea McGyver. Unfortunately you cannot load a curtain panel into a family. shucks. I don't want to rebuild this family! by the way Mike - you guys need to upgrade to 9.0 - Archideas is living in 2005!

My best answer for you is to use AutoCAD.

2006-05-17, 08:22 PM
the "window" is a curtain panel by category - it was just created with the "window - curtain wall" template. Therfore you cannot load the curtain panel family into another family no matter what.

The answer I am searching for is what makes the difference between the 'curtain panel" template and the "window - curtain wall" template. By category they are both curtain panels, but the latter automatically tags and schedules as a window?!?!?!


Martin P
2006-05-18, 08:26 AM
I have made this mistake myself too - you have to rebuild the familiy I am afraid.... seems like it should be a really easy thing to be able to do though.

2006-05-18, 12:04 PM
I guess another way would be to nest the curtain panel window into a new window curtain panel..... Now I'm getting confused! ;)

Matt H
2006-07-25, 05:31 PM
I have made this mistake myself too - you have to rebuild the familiy I am afraid.... seems like it should be a really easy thing to be able to do though.

So how would you make up this family. Here's my situation. I created windows using the curtain wall- Storefront. I remade the family to Curtain Wall- Storefront Window, because then I could just copy the elevations and filter everything out bu the windows. Works great but takes forever.

So is there a way to create a curtain wall- storefront schedule and display the elevations in a legend? the same thing as you can do with Doors and typical Windows?

Also, is there a way to create a Tag to label this "Curtain Wall- Storefront Window" just like a typical window? I tried, but since its a wall, I can't display its height.

This is a hard category, wish Autodesk would do something about it....

2006-07-25, 05:40 PM
We created a wall tag symbol that is identical to our window tag - tag the curtainwall, make sure you uase the new wall tag, and you're done.

2006-07-25, 06:43 PM
to answer your first question... no, you can't pull curtain walls into legends (at least not in the way it sounds like you're wanting... I think the best you can do is generate enlarged elevations (you could, if needed, hide the annotation as well as any other category in the view you didn't want and accomplish nearly the same thing)

Matt H
2006-07-25, 11:19 PM
We created a wall tag symbol that is identical to our window tag - tag the curtainwall, make sure you uase the new wall tag, and you're done.

I tried that, but when making the Schedule, there is no place to insert the Height, only the width.