View Full Version : Plan Regions and Grids

2006-05-17, 03:11 PM
I have a RB8.1 project with a linked RS2 structure. The grid shows up fine when a view's View Range is set to, say, a foundation view range (see plan region1).

Now, I'm trying to split the building up in plan areas. These are not rectangular areas, so I cannot use crop regions. I'm seting the View Range of my view to be below the building and then create an irregularly shaped Plan Region with it's view range set for a foundation view (see plan region2...the irregular shape shown is just an example). My problem is that the grid disappears. Why is this happening? Is there another way to work this out? I thought that the grid bubbles would show up a certain distance from the edge of the plan region, just like when you do a callout view or a crop region.


Dimitri Harvalias
2006-05-17, 03:54 PM
If you have 3d extents set on your grids, check your building elevations or sections and make sure the grids extend low enough that the cut plane for your vew still intersects them.

2006-05-17, 03:58 PM
Thanks Dimitri.

But why would the grid show up fine on view 'A' with no plan region, and then disappears on view 'B' with a plan region having the same view range settings as view 'A'?

EDIT: I'm beginning to think that grids' visibility is affected by the view range of views but not with plan regions. If that's the case, it really wouldn't make any sense to me.

Dimitri Harvalias
2006-05-17, 05:35 PM
The view range of the 'parent' view is what controls grid visibility. I think it does make sense this way becasue it's the overall view you want controlling things, not just a small portion ie the plan region.

2006-05-17, 06:03 PM
I understand what you're saying. I just thought that when you do a plan region, that becomes the controlling factor. I find it a bit confusing that even though plan regions have a view range, grids are not effected. I see plan regions as almost a view within a view.

As for what I'm trying to do, I'll have to find another way, perhaps using crop regions to get close to my plan area and then using solid fills to hide the irregular shapes. We really need the ability to do irregular crop regions or irregular callouts.

Thanks for your feedback :)