View Full Version : Window/Curtain Wall Tags in Elevations?

2006-05-17, 10:01 PM
Is this possible? I cannot see how to make a tag for a window or curtain wall show up in the elevations. Any help would be appricated, using Revit 9.


Adam Mac
2006-05-17, 10:17 PM
It is entirely possible..... are they turned on in your "View Graphics" (shortcut - VG), under Annotations?

2006-05-17, 10:23 PM
Ok I was been a little dumb. I can get window tags showing in elevation (a case of not trying before asking!) but not curtain walls. it says no tag is loaded for this type, but dont curtain walls come under wall tags and therefore only show up in plan? Do you know how to work around this, or the type of tag to create. I notice the tagging option picks up the curtain wall panels.

Adam Mac
2006-05-17, 10:38 PM
Hi anankivell -

be sure to place your cursor over the perimeter of the entire curtain wall and you should
see it highlight as one entity (as opposed to individual panels...) then place tag. If you're getting the message "...no tag is loaded for this type" well then you need to load the tag.


2006-05-18, 06:27 AM
Thanks Adam Mac, I still can not create the create the correct tag. There is none by defult and I cannot find the correct family tag type to make the tag. Any ideas?