View Full Version : Multi-Level Stairs

2006-05-18, 02:21 PM
I've done my best searching through the Forum on this and have found some guidance but I'm still struggling against something that I think might not be possible... or at least not without using additional tools.

I'd like to create a multi-level stair that has both middle and top landings generated by the Stair tool... and I'd like to be able to remove a portion of the stringer on the top landing where the door would be. If it can be done then I think I'm close... I'm very, very close.

See the attached file for where I'm at so far.

In addition to wanting to remove the stringer I also need to extend the bottom rail down at an angle for another 11" and then have it turn out flat. Ordinarily this wouldn't be a problem except for how I've worked the top landing to wrap around... it's causing me fits with that rail.

Take a look and tell me what you think... and if there's another, better, way to do this I'm all ears.

2006-05-26, 06:00 AM
You've probably moved on or figured it out by now? You can edit the sketch of the stair, select the landing boundary line and give it a negative 3" offset to drop it down. That's about as close as you'll get to that I believe.

2006-05-26, 04:25 PM
Not bad... and I can split the boundary along that stringer to affect just the area I need... thanks.