View Full Version : How do you document Accent Tiles

2006-05-19, 08:23 PM
Hey Reviteers,

We are working on a tiled bathroom with [believe it or not] accent tiles. The wall assembly needs to be a 12" tiled wainscot with a 6" black and white tile stripe above, and then one more layer of 12" tile above that. How in the heck can we do this??

We have tried the whole unlocked finish layers trick- extensively, but the adjacent unlocked finish layers must share the same elevation; i.e. we tried three sandwiched layers of tile, each layer stopping at the right height so that in elevation, the wall finishes appeared correctly. No luck.

Are there any successful tile solutions out there? We have also tried stacked walls but this is pretty laborious, and there are a few known issues with stacked all joins and inserts...

Did I mention the accent tile is black and only 6" square? Currently we are drafting all of this stuff. Is there any better way? We are going cra$y trying to figure this one out. On another project we had to MODEL the accent tiles to create a pattern on a tiled floor. Wow was that involved.

Any ideas are Greatly appreciated!


2006-05-19, 09:49 PM
What about a wall based family and place them on the wall like you would tile. It could be a specific pattern, or stripe. If its a stripe you can make an instance parameter so you can stretch the length of it easily.

Next time I have a pattern I'm going to give this technique a try.

2006-05-19, 10:01 PM
If you are doing 2D drafting for this in one view only then use a repeating detail and/or detail component to layout the pattern(s). Some filled regions might work too.

If you need them in multiple views as well as 3D then you might find the 2 Pick Family useful with a component for the tile size and setup an array to layout the pattern. Guess we'd need to see the actual pattern. Splitting the surface of the wall and painting on a pattern built specially with something like Hatchkit might suffice too?

2006-05-19, 10:13 PM
Good tips guys. thank you. The hurdle is the accent tiles are a different size then the rest of the Field pattern, AND, they are a black and white "checker" pattern (although one tile tall only.)

Right now we are drafting (yuck-o) the accents tiles where visible. So they will not be visible in 3D or renderings :( I am looking for an older AutoCAD version of this bathroom which shows these tiles. A picture might help define the problem.

THANK YOU for the assistance!! (on a Friday afternoon, too, THAT is commitment)

2006-05-19, 10:45 PM
If you are wanting the pattern to show in all views then you have to split the face of the wall and use the paint bucket to assign materials. Kind of like the attached file. I think this is what you are trying to accomplish.

2006-05-19, 11:22 PM
HOLY $*!^ THAT IS PERFECT. I am still trying to figure out how you did this! That is exactly what we need to do. THANK YOU!!

Okay so I think I understand the split regions inside the stripe, but how did you split the 6" tiles from the 12" tile pattern vertically??

Is that also a split region? Ahhh, I think it is hitting me. It is a split region which only shows 1/2 of the tile pattern. Then we just Paint the half a tile.

GENIUS. Miguel gets Augi Big Dog status for this one!

2006-05-19, 11:56 PM
Actually the tile wall was created using split regions in the wall editor. If you go into the editor and edit the structure of it you will see there are two finishes assigned to different regions of the wall. This will give you your 12" tiles and 6" tile strips. Then all you have to do is use the split face tool in elevation to create the checkered look.

2006-05-23, 05:06 PM
Hello Reviteers,

Again, BIG thanks to Miguel for the split-wall-tile-pattern trick.

It really works well, see attached. We have split the the tile vertically, and then split the accent band horizontally, and then PAINTED the accent "tiles" where they occur. A long hand method, but it works. Problem is this method prints fine to PDF, but it is quite messy when sent to our local network printer??? So, plots we send out for printing are great but local check sets are all messed up! The tile patterns are wrong, and the accent PAINTED sections are not displayed at all. Are we using the PAINT tool incorrectly?

Sorry to be coming up with more questions then answers here. I would really like to get this split-wall technique down to a science. Right now it is a big t$me burner...

Any advice is greatly appreciated as always!

2006-05-23, 11:02 PM
Hello again,

Perhaps I broke the social rule of "One Question per posting" with that last one. Sorry, a bit overwhelmed here...

Here's the ONE question: Does your PAINT TOOL colored surfaces show up in your elevation drawings?

Sorry if this is a totally basic question. I think there is more too this PAINT tool- but we have never used it before. I appreciate any comment.

Phil Palmer
2006-05-24, 09:32 AM
If it comes out OK in your PDF file - can you not just send that to your network printer ?

The other thing maybe to play around with the various print quality settings when you send it to your network printer ? - ie - vector or raster processing and raster quality settings.