View Full Version : Schedules over multiple sheets

2006-05-24, 03:38 PM
We have a very extensive Window Schedule that we have on a large CD sheet but would also like to list over several 8 1/2 x 11 Sheets.

Without exporting the schedule, is it possible to split and spread the schedule over multiple sheets?

Dimitri Harvalias
2006-05-24, 04:28 PM
To print over multiple sheets you need to duplicate and then filter the schedule so it contains only enough information to fill one of you plotted sheets.
At the present there is no way to just use the split tool.

2006-05-24, 04:29 PM
Sort of.

Duplicate the schedule. Split it. Drag the portion that will be on the second sheet off the page. Do the same for the second sheet. You many need to adjust the split location on each page as you update the schedule and only plot the sheet area.

Dimitri Harvalias
2006-05-24, 05:28 PM
Aaron (love the new forum handle BTW ;) )You figure that's the better way?
I've never needed to do this for more than two full size drawing sheets so I'm not sure what the best approach is for letter size output. I can see it being easier if the schedule changes alot at the early stages but don't you find the printing issues a bit of a hassle doing it this way?

2006-05-24, 06:06 PM
Thanks guys. Aaron, our schedule is going to be changing alot, so I don't want to have to manage it and worry about redundancies on multiple sheets - As the building grows and changes I want to print out a bunch of window data without reformatting.

You're still pretty smart for an infant though.

I think I will take the advice to filter the schedule down by floor or window type and have each on a seperate 8x11 sheet. Sometimes you just have to change your ways and do it the way Revit lets you I guess.

2006-05-24, 08:06 PM
You're still pretty smart for an infant though.

Good genes...

2006-05-24, 08:38 PM
use less windows

2006-05-25, 11:29 AM
brilliant suggestion bowlinggrad!

2006-05-25, 11:36 AM
Just because you didn't think of it....

2006-05-25, 11:46 AM
....or use REALLY small text!!!

2007-09-24, 05:10 PM
I may get chided a little here, but I'm going to reach back a little to the days before Revit and even before multiple paperspace layout in AutoCAD. Back when we only had one paper space to work with or (gasp!) had to print from model space (because our consultant sent us a drawing that was set up that way), we had to set up multiple plot sheets in the same space. So the techniques do exist.

Having the same problem mentioned in this thread, I was looking for a way to print on multiple sheets. I didn't like the idea of having to set up filters and the like, so I thought about (please don't shoot) how we used to do it in autocad. I'm posting the technique I came up with in case it helps anyone. This is sort of like aaron's solution, but it doesn't require duplicate schedule views on multiple sheet views (which I would prefer, except for the duplicating schedules part). I know it doesn't answer the question of page numbers, and it's really only a work-around. But it might be useful to someone:
1. Set up a title block that has multiple 8.5x11 pages aligned either vertically or horizontally. (I chose horizontally for my example).
2. Load it into your project and make a sheet with it.
3. Put the schedule view onto the sheet.
4. Split the schedule up so that the sections fit on the pages.
5. When you're ready to print, go to Print Setup and change the Paper Placement to Offset from corner: User Defined.
6. The setting should be 0,0 for the first sheet, then measure to the corner of your next sheet for the next page. In my example (see attached images), I have to offset the print by x= -9.5" and y=0". To get to my third page, the offset would be -19",0".
7. Revit may change the offset slightly after you enter the numbers (by .002). I'm not sure why that is, but it does not seem to be a problem.
8. Preview your print to make sure it looks right. Adjust your offset if necessary. Then print.
9. (Optional) Save the print settings for each offset and give it a memorable name (i.e. "Schedule Page 1", "...2", etc)

So that's it. I've tried it out and it works fine in Revit 2008. It's a little bit of pain to print one sheet at a time, but it sure beats exporting to Excel or Word for 8.5x11 printing.

2007-09-25, 02:52 PM
so I thought about (please don't shoot) how we used to do it in autocad.
My feeling is that more feedback is better than less. Any solution that might work is worth considering.

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-09-25, 03:05 PM
Good doct'R,
there is no chiding here :lol: and as Robert pointed out, any idea is worth sharing.

I created a similar method in the ACAD days but used saved views instead of printer offsets. The only issue I have with this method is that it doesn't allow 'batch' plotting. Unless it's saved as a view or sheet in Revit you can't really hit the print button and go for coffee.

Once you have schedule filters set up and have all your individual sheets created it's not so bad. I still use a 'master schedule' to do all my editing work so I don't have to try and track down which sheet the actual item is on.

2008-04-25, 06:47 PM
I have this same issue at the moment. I have some large schedules that I need to spread over several 8.5 x 11 sheets. I remember reading this thread way back and thought this wasn't going to be a problem. I chose to just keep placing the schedule on several sheets and splitting it up and dragging the left over off the sheet. But when I print this way, I will get the first page that the schedule was placed on, but not the others. I do however get the same thing that was printed on the first page printed 3 more times but not on a title block. So I'm not sure what is missing from the process.??


2008-04-25, 06:53 PM
Ok. So I got it.

When splitting your schedule over multiple sheets by placing the schedule and splitting it apart, you must (or I did anyway), place the part you want printed on the titleblock, but everything else off to the right of the titleblock, otherwise it will print the furthest left item first and nothing to the right of it. I guess because of the offsets?

Anyway, I just wasnt' aware of that since I've never had to do this.


2008-04-25, 09:37 PM
Hi Josh - You can do it the way you described, but that will require you to edit your sheet between printing each page. If you're trying to use the method I described above, which does not require editing between each print, then there are a couple of keys to making it work:
1. Your title block family actually has more than one 8.5x11 rectangle in it. This is counterintuitive and not how we like to work in Revit, but it can solve the immediate problem. If you already have an 8.5x11 title block family, you can open that, select everything, and copy it to the right or left far enough that they do not overlap. Just make sure you use an even number for the distance because you will reference it later for the copy offset. Repeat the copy if you need additional pages.
2. If you've your title block correctly, then you can use the Print Offset feature to "tell" Revit which page to print by setting the offset of the printed area relative to the top-left most page on the screen. In my example, Revit always starts with the left-most page, so I need to give it a negative-x offset to move the printed area to next page to the right.

I hope that helps! I just got 2009 and am anxious to see if there is any improvement in this area.

2008-06-25, 03:53 AM
Thanks Doc! Works a gem!

2011-01-24, 07:20 PM
I'm a bit confused..... Everyone seems to be on the point that you make a title block that can shift by either making a few in one family or making the family move based on the origin and then changed in the project for each plot of the sheet one way or another... Why not make it all encompassing so that nothing has to change individually.

On that note, I think I found a simpler (or at least another) way. My information seems to conflict a bit with what was said above for some reason. I can say why. I'm using Revit MEP 2011 so maybe the coordinate system ,orientation changed, &/or there is some setting that is changed when compared to others who have commented in this thread... I can say for sure that it is very frustrating that the base point for the paper placement of each sheet can be in a different spot. Personally I think the programmers like to think for us to much...

--Some general comments--
-below is all about using "paper placement=>offset from corner=>user defined=>& typing in the X & Y values." way to set up all of your sheets
-I drew up a 3D origin in AutoCAD pointing out the X,Y,&Z directions based at the origin that is very helpful when you need to find the origin of a view. Just insert the CAD drawing origin to origin and in theory you have found the origin of that view. Remember the origin of the view not the origin of the project... To find that you seem to have to insert into a 3d view.

--Facts I've found out about the 'plotting process'--
-The origin of the sheet 'view' and the base point that the paper placement uses is different.
-The base point for the paper placement uses is different for each sheet view
-The base point of the paper placement is the lower left corner of the extents 'box'.
-The base point for the page size is also in the lower left corner.
-For the shift of the base point for the paper placement reference the crude graphic below. Ex. the +X&+Y direction is left for Y & down for X. (I'm guessing this is because of the direction of my paper size but this seems weird to me.. but it is Revit and meant to be weird)

( -x)
(+y)- -+-- ( -y)
Sorry it seems to not be taking my spaces into effect, but I think you get the idea. I'm trying to draw a XY quadrant

--The Solution I've found to work for all sheets--
Create your own extents in the title block and then use paper placement=>offset from corner=>& type in the X&Y values that are needed.

So open your title block family and create your extents by drawing a big visible square around the title block. The size and shape really does not matter as long as it is bigger & outside your paper size. To be safe I would say the box should be centered on the page size & able to encompass 2 sheets located above, below, to the right, and to the left of the title block (the formulas if you will is 5X & 5Y). Now just figure out the X & Z distances from the lower left of your extents and the lower left of your paper size (in this example -2X & -2Y). Load the family into your project and apply to all pages when you plot by paper placement=>offset from corner=>& type in the X&Y values that are needed. And yes I also see it changing your input by a few hundredths of an inch... (Again very weird)

Now just remember to keep everything that you place in your sheet view in that extents.

And I think that would keep you the most versatile.