View Full Version : Photo Sims

2004-06-01, 05:44 PM
Here’s the NAU Project that I posted earlier to you guys. Went and took some site shots and then edited the renderings in to get a feel of what it will look like. My personal favorite is the first image, but my claim to detail fame would be the last one . . . if you look real close you can see the curtain system through the cars windows (purple bottom left corner).

I'm still planning on posting some of my older work that I promised a few of you guy last time I posted to the gallery, but they are on my back up drive that I haven’t got to yet.


Wes Macaulay
2004-06-01, 06:58 PM
Those have got to be some of my favourite photomontages ever from Revit -- love the brick, curtain wall system, roof, and the glass shelves on the exterior... and in the second rendering, I note that your windows show the trees in the reflection... did ya put some trees in the model to help with that?

2004-06-01, 08:46 PM
Actually this was a difficult situation. If you remember in one of my previous posts, I was ranting about the designers of this project being out of their minds. One of their complaints on those day renderings I posted, was the fact that the “glass looked kinda blue on some spot”. . . . . yeah, so they wanted no-shine glass! GLASS WITH OUT A REFLECTION!!!!! ARE YOU RETARDED? Anyway. . .The problem with removing the reflection was that you could see right through the building (since it’s empty right now), and then it just look plain stupid. SO, here was my solution. I added a bit of rubble to the glass so that there wasn’t a true reflection, reduced the reflection a bit, and made it a little less transparent. Then for the background I used the same image that I would be using the rendering in. This way you get similar items in the reflections along with the matching colors and tones from the reflections.

The “Shelves” that you speak of are actually perforated canopies attached to a thickened mullion system.


Martin P
2004-06-02, 09:37 AM
Those look great, I have dabbled a bit with photo montages before - but havent had the chance to work on any buildings quite so impressive looking. I like they way you have managed to incorporate the proposed external works into the montage, it must have taken a bit of thought to do that and keep it looking believable.

Haha! it seems I am not the only one who spends hours working on something (over lunch breaks etc) which is more than your boss should get - only to get a comment like "why is that bit.... blah blah"

The most irritating thing I deal with is "dont waste time doing that in 3D" ????!!!! what the hell are you talking about? its quicker, I will waste time if I do it 2D!! - very very annoying, especially when the very next day you get asked for a 3D view of that thing you were "wasting" time on.. grrrrr.

2004-06-03, 09:03 PM
heres an idea of what the interior of this building is starting to look like. For some reason its rendering really slow, and I cant even get the radiosity to start, but heres a start to it.


Nic M.
2004-06-04, 06:53 AM
Real nice rendering also the interior looks promising.
Can you give us a peak at your settings? (sun color, radiosity, raytrace, ...)
I have huge problems with render settings, if i accept the default settings my rendering looks washed out / flat


2004-06-04, 03:29 PM
To be honest, its not the rendering settings that you need to worry about. I mean, sure you need to know when to turn certain settings on and off, but that changes with every scene.

The interior scene has NOT been radiated, but there have been a few studio lights placed through out to increase the varied shadows and tones.

The exterior scenes are using the default sun settings, except for changing location and sun times to get the desired shadows.

The biggest rendering upgrade you can make is your materials, both on the building and in the environment. If you get a quality background and use it in cylinder mode it will help, as well as darken your materials. The material editor isn’t bad, except for the fact that you have to darken all your materials significantly for exterior renderings.

One of the features I would like to use is the “Jitter”, “Samples” and “Softness”, but I posted that to the forum a bit ago, and got no response, so maybe if we all bug them we could get a better answer as to why they wont work. Maybe I’m doin something wrong, but if that’s true, then we all are, since I know a few of you have tried it.

Best thing Nic, if you have a rendering your working on in particular, send me what your getting when you render it, and ill point out some areas that you could change to get a better affect.


Paul P.
2004-06-04, 04:04 PM
They are some real quality renderings Stunt's, what sort of time scale are you looking at to get them looking how you want. Is it just a case of playing about with it til you get looking how you want or do you have a set way that you go about doing a rendering.

Regard's, Paul.

2004-06-04, 04:24 PM
#1 Rule of rendering (also applies to most hobbies) - A rendering can take as little or a much time as you want to spend!!! There is always another detail/upgrade, another tweak to a material, another plant, or shade, or person, or bannana or ant that you can add.

Depending on who I'm doing the rendering for, what they want, where its being presented, and of course how excited I am about doing it. For these here, I have probably spent 1.5 days on materials, 2 weeks on modeling, 1 day on rendering, 1 day for photo sims, and then probably another day nocking my head into a wall ( :banghead: ), trying to figure out what my designers are really looking for as opposed to what they are asking for. :lol:

The good part is now, that I have some good materials, so on future projects it will maybe go faster.

2004-06-04, 08:46 PM
Nice looking rendering.

Roger Evans
2004-06-04, 09:18 PM
Inside every older person is a younger one wondering what happened.

(Terry Pratchett)

2004-06-04, 09:28 PM
interesteing. . .but what exactly do you mean roger? :confused:

Roger Evans
2004-06-04, 09:35 PM
Simply a follow on to FiveJ's signature ~ no reflection on your image

While I'm on ... what time of day / year was it ? Orientation??

I've done similar winter studies to get that depth of sunlight South ~ depends on your glass height as well I suppose

2004-06-04, 09:45 PM
While I'm on ... what time of day / year was it ? Orientation??

which one are you talking about

Roger Evans
2004-06-04, 09:47 PM
Internal sorry

2004-06-04, 10:12 PM
here they are

Roger Evans
2004-06-04, 10:22 PM
Streuth ~ I didn't mean to put you to that kind of trouble

but thanks anyway

Dont know if it will work for you I found this by accident ~ but you can try putting a wall light someplace / then turn light off / ~ Then rerender ~ It sometimes happens that you get a localised glow ( maybe a leak) ~ useful (if it works for you) for some of those dark places

Roger Evans
2004-06-04, 10:38 PM
Example Winter R with wall light turned off ~ note glow
Dining Winter image before wall light placed

Effect shouldn't really happen ~ but if it does you can use it

2004-07-08, 08:22 AM
Life is what you make of it. Just belive in yourself first and the whole world will believe in you.

Here’s the NAU Project that I posted earlier to you guys. Went and took some site shots and then edited the renderings in to get a feel of what it will look like. My personal favorite is the first image, but my claim to detail fame would be the last one . . . if you look real close you can see the curtain system through the cars windows (purple bottom left corner).

I'm still planning on posting some of my older work that I promised a few of you guy last time I posted to the gallery, but they are on my back up drive that I haven’t got to yet.


2004-07-08, 03:16 PM
Life is what you make of it. Just belive in yourself first and the whole world will believe in you.

Not quite sure as to what your refering to in my post? Not that I dont get what youre saying, I just don't get why you quoted me??

Thanks Though ;)

Scott D Davis
2004-07-09, 12:22 AM
May have hit the 'quote' button instead of the "reply" button. Both take users to the text editor screen.....

2004-07-09, 12:28 AM
May have hit the 'quote' button instead of the "reply" button. Both take users to the text editor screen.....

Maybe. . . .still kinda random?