View Full Version : Can labels be scale sensitive?

2006-05-25, 04:13 PM
Is there a way to make families so that the labels are set to show up drawings with certain scales? For example, I'm doing an apartment complex, and the water heater, refrigerator, etc. have labels that are fine at 1/4 or 1/8th scale, but when you get out to a scale where the whole building shows up, the labels are huge - they fill up the whole building. Right now I turn off the category, but I end up having to turn off other things too that I want to have show up. Section cuts are smart enough to show up or not based on a drawing scale, it would be nice to figure out how to do that with other families...



2006-05-25, 04:26 PM
As far as the label size is concerned, we tend to have a number options for different scales. If we want them turned off completely, we have a family type where the visibility parameter is set to off.

Of course, you can also set the labels not to display at certain detail levels.

2006-05-25, 04:51 PM
Thanks - with Revit I keep learning that if I can't do something the way I want to, it's probably because there's a better way to do it!
