View Full Version : Glitch with Detail Callouts?

2006-05-25, 04:33 PM
If I put in a detail callout that references a drafting view that already exists it puts in SIM by default next to the tag. I don't want it similar so I go in to the system family and go to Edit and Duplicate the type and make a new type and clear out SIM in the reference label. Now I try switching my detail callout to the new type I just created and it doesn't do it. It won't switch it. It's in the pulldown, I select it, and it doesn't change. By the way, I am using Revit 9.0.2006.426.

2006-05-25, 05:39 PM
It's always been that way it seems, or at least, since V7 I believe. In 6.1 you could create different callout types but around V7 they took that away, so now you only have 2 choices - label or no label, and I think callouts that reference other views will always have the label, unless you change it to nothing, in which case none of your callouts will have the label beside it. Callouts that reference an actual model view do not have the label beside it.

Yes it sucks.

2006-05-26, 05:03 PM
So I guess the best workaround for now is just to delete the SIM in the original so none of them have it and then put in text saying SIM if I need to. What gets me is that they let you create other callout types, but don't let you use them.