View Full Version : Open command does not bring up dialog box

2006-05-25, 07:39 PM
Got a question, hopefully someone can answer, a colleague of mine is running Autocad 2005, and when he clicks on the open command, it prompts him at the command line for a file to open, instead of inside a dialog box. I've had this happen to me before but a restart usually fixes it, but its not working for him.

So, is there a system variable here that he needs to switch?

Thanks in advance

2006-05-25, 07:44 PM
check filedia it should be set to 1

2006-05-25, 08:02 PM
check filedia it should be set to 1

That did it. I also saw another post about this same subject, I guess I should look around a little better next time. :)

Thanks alot

2006-05-25, 10:29 PM
2006 and 2007 crash a lot, and when they do, FILEDIA often gets set to 0. It's pretty annoying. I have to reset FILEDIA at least once a day with LDD 2007.