View Full Version : Cut Plane, how do I move it?

2006-05-25, 08:30 PM
Hello All,

This is my first post here in the Augi Forums. I believe this to be the correct location for a post like this, however, if it is not please let me know.

Here is my issue. I am working on a site plan and would like my cut plane to be at the top of my building so that I can see the roof. I would think this to be a rather simple task right but this is not true. Here are the step that I am using; Double Click Site in the Project Browser, right click ->”Properties”, Under Extents ->”Edit” and this is where my issue begins. The Cut plane option box is “greyed” out.

Where do I unlock this? Can I unlock this? If so please guide me in the right direction.


2006-05-25, 08:48 PM
The Associated Level is greyed out but the offset should be active.

2006-05-26, 08:01 PM
Thanks dduarte,

I figured out my problem. It appears that it had nothing to do with the cut plane and all to do with my phasing. I put my roof on the wrong phase and it did not show on my drawing which lead this n00b to think that it was my cut plane that was messing things up. Ooops.

Once again thanks for the reply.