View Full Version : Crop Region Problem

2006-05-26, 01:21 PM
I am having a problem with crop regions... I have an apartment building, have duplicated the second floor plan so that I can use crop region to crop it down to show each individual unit on a sheet as a dimension plan for the interior walls of that unit. All good so far.

When I go to place that view on a sheet, the Viewport Area is MUCH larger than the crop region, as if it is finding stuff that I cannot see and using it as the limit of the viewport.

I have done a search and found some help, ie: using plan region to make an irregular border around the apartment unit and setting the clipping plane in the main view to all 0's. That worked, but the FLOOR showed up outside the "plan region" with a floor pattern, even though floor pattern was turned off in the visibility settings. I solved that by using a filled region "solid white"... But the Viewport on the drawing sheet is STILL too big.

Then I found something about curtain grids causing a problem. I have not used any curtain grids in this project, but I turned them off anyway... it did not help.

Is there something else outside the crop region that could be causing the problem... and before you answer, know that I have already erased ALL the detail lines, made all elevation markers "hidden in this view" manually for each one, and also made sure there was no text outside the crop region...

PLEASE someone HELP ME.....


2006-05-26, 03:35 PM
Just by chance...when you duplicated the view, did you click "duplicate with detailing" and then could there be some random piece of text way out there? Crop regions will not crop out text for some reason...that's my best guess. That's usually what the case, I have found.

2007-08-15, 09:50 PM
I am trying to solve a similar problem that one of my clients is having. Their problem seems to be related to groups. An example of this is a Wall Section view that is shoved way over to the right when you Zoom All. Hovering or using a crossing window outside of the crop region will expose three Groups. These groups are floor plans for the 3rd - 5th floors that are all the same (condo). When I 'ungroup' the groups, the view corrects itself. I haven't figured out how to fix this while keeping the groups intact though! Did you find a solution or does anyone know what I am missing?

cliff collins
2007-08-15, 10:08 PM
1. Try using callouts for the enlarged plans instead of duplicationg the whole floor plan

2. In Revit 2008 we have "annotation crop regions"--try using these/turning on/off in views
where you have problems.


2007-08-17, 06:52 PM
1. Try using callouts for the enlarged plans instead of duplicationg the whole floor plan

That's not really the issue. The view in question is a Wall Section. Using the 'Group' feature for a typical floor plan group that includes Walls, Doors, Casework, Equipment etc. is appropriate for this project.

2. In Revit 2008 we have "annotation crop regions"--try using these/turning on/off in views
where you have problems.

The annotation crop regions have no effect on this. Basically, my crop region is defined showing only what I want to see for a wall section. if I click on the crop region I can see on my options bar that it's size is 3" by 16" letting me know the space that it will take up on a sheet with the current scale that I have selected for the view. If this view did not have any problems then it would center itself vertically and horizontally when I hit ZA for zoom all. It would do this even if I had an annotation crop boundrary that was say stretched way off to the left. Then after I drop the view onto a sheet, the boundary that I see when I select or hover over the view is about 1/8" past the extents of the objects in the view (Levels and Grids, annotation, model objects). Instead of this 1/8" border of the viewport being maintained it is somehow jumping out to something related to the floor plan group. Again, if I 'Ungroup' the groups, I don't have this problem any more.

I am currently downloading an updated version of their model so I can capture some images from it if I need to. The current version that I have is older and does not have this problem.


2017-06-15, 07:00 AM
I have exactly the same problem. I have created a group which includes masking and filled region in a section view, then I can't crop this view.
I have played with that and tried different ways. Only when I remove the masking/filled region, it's possible to crop the view, otherwise Revit gives an error and suggest to ungroup the groups. any solution?