View Full Version : show roof overhang

Justin Marchiel
2006-05-26, 05:01 PM
I have a roof created but i want to have the roof overhang show on my floor plan and can't figure it out. Do i have to draw lines?


2006-05-26, 05:14 PM
Go to View Properties of your Floor plan and select an Underlay so you can see your roof.
Use the Linework tool (Overhead as linetype for ex.) and select the roofs overhang.
Then > set Underlay > None.
Also nice
change your roof > the Overhead Lines showing the overhang will follow that change automatically.

Justin Marchiel
2006-05-26, 05:23 PM
i was hopeing that it would be a litte more automated then that, but i guess this is a pretty easy fix.



2007-04-20, 03:35 PM
is there not a way to do this using view range? I thought that was what that feature was designed for.

2007-04-20, 05:05 PM
is there not a way to do this using view range? I thought that was what that feature was designed for.View range is one way to what is visible in a view (along with many other options). Sometimes though you just want a drafting line of the edge, not the entire roof. I think eddy's suggestion to Justin was what Justin was asking, though the underlay could be left on if that was the desire.

Justin: note for the overhead lines to follow roof changes, they must be locked to the roof edge when you create them...

Justin Marchiel
2007-04-20, 05:13 PM
the underlay was what it was looking for. I dont believe that the view range top has any affect in floor plans. i think that it is only used in ceiling plans.

Maybe i am wrong. is this the intent to the "top" of a view range?
