View Full Version : US CAD Standards

2006-05-31, 09:26 AM
i want to know us auto cad standard

2006-05-31, 09:29 AM
sum cad standard

2006-05-31, 10:13 AM
i want to know us auto cad standard


you need to be a bit more specific with your question.

There are AIA layer keys built into acad 2004 onwards, but as far as other standards go I think people generally create their own in house standards to include such things as: text height, dim styles, font styles, dwg numbering systems, line widths etc.

Also try searching the forums as there are several threads which should be able to give you a few ideas of do's and don'ts.

2006-05-31, 12:21 PM
Each industry can have its own cad standard.
The easiest rule to follow:

"If it can be done on a drafting board, then do the same in Cad."

Which means:

Set some standard text heights and use them.
Set some standard dimension settings for all drawings.
Make objects line up across the page.
Use an appropriate titleblock for each project.

2006-05-31, 05:08 PM
There are AIA layer keys built into acad 2004 onwards,

but as far as other standards go I think people generally create their own in house standards to include such things as: text height, dim styles, font styles, dwg numbering systems, line widths etc.Steve, just to double-check I am not missing something, do you mean ADT? or are they found in plain autocad as well and I just haven't noticed them... :(

2006-05-31, 08:22 PM
There IS a "National CAD Standard".

You can even find out what it is if you send the group that set it up a few hundred bucks.

AutoDesk even replaced all the product-specific templates in Civil 3D with NCS-compliant versions - from which I infer that the NCS group has never heard of STBs. "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything," my Grandma used to say, so...

2006-06-01, 02:30 AM
i want to know us auto cad standardhttp://www.nationalcadstandard.org

2006-06-01, 08:17 AM
Steve, just to double-check I am not missing something, do you mean ADT? or are they found in plain autocad as well and I just haven't noticed them... :(

You may be right, I only use ADT so am not sure if vanilla cad has them, sorry I just assumed they did.

2006-06-01, 05:05 PM
I believe that ADT is the only one that comes pre-loaded with them.
You may be right, I only use ADT so am not sure if vanilla cad has them, sorry I just assumed they did.

Glenn Pope
2006-06-01, 08:44 PM
I believe that ADT is the only one that comes pre-loaded with them.
Civil 3D and LDT also come with them.

2006-06-01, 08:52 PM
:Oops: I try to keep up with the verticals, thanks for learnin me sumptin new today, brother glenn
Civil 3D and LDT also come with them.