View Full Version : Drafting view oddities

Wes Macaulay
2006-05-31, 10:56 PM
We're blasting out a bunch of details in drafting views which we're going to use on a variety of projects at present.

The details were all created in one drafting view, then copied to other drafting views. We will point section markers to the drafting views as we need to during the course of the documentation process.

We've had trouble copying and pasting the objects in the master drafting view to the blank destination drafting views. Revit would complain that you couldn't copy view-specific elements. This is not good Revit behaviour and I will be submitting a support request for this.

So, as a workaround, we grouped the objects in the detail being copied. In the blank drafting view we drew one line and grouped it, then swapped that with the group of the detail being copied. And that worked! Even more weird: when you group objects in a drafting view, the instance property says the group belongs to a view workset, but the type property of the group says it belongs to a model workset!

Can anyone see why I'm confused?

2006-06-01, 08:00 AM
Would it be easier/possible to "save off" a draughting view, then reload it as and when?

Would this be a further work around?