View Full Version : Number of Undos????

2006-06-01, 01:02 AM
Can we customize the number of undo's you can do? sometimes i can go back a long way, sometimes options in undo window just dissapears and can't undo.

Is there any way to set the number of undo's to specific numbers and always have them??? I know they have it in Rhino and Maya. In Maya there used to be 'unlimited undo' option....?

2006-06-01, 03:27 PM
I believe you can undo to your last save, once you have saved, you cannot undo before that...then you would have to go to a previous back-up copy.

2006-06-01, 04:11 PM
I know I have saved my file in the past, and then immediately after was still able to undo some actions done before I saved. Other times I might do something like delete something by accident, then when I go to Undo the option is grayed out. I have no clue what controls the number of actions and when you can or can't undo.

2006-06-01, 05:41 PM
Well, I decided to do some experimenting and I have found out that the maximum number of undoes is 100. This means that you can undo up to of course 100 actions, which also means you can undo even after you save the file. Hope this helps, but as of now i do not know if you can change or modify this setting.

2006-06-01, 06:40 PM
But in worksets jobs some actions eliminate the undo feature(or reset it). I have no idea which commands cause this, but it happens.