View Full Version : Wall hosted family

2006-06-01, 10:40 PM
If a family element (say a cabinet) was created in a "wall hosted" family, is there a way to dissassociate this element so a wall can be deleted without loosing these cabinets? I was hoping to be able to "Rehost" using a defined workplane, but that doesn't work.

Unfortuantly, this wall needs to be removed in the Group to allow for several wall type options to be drawn around the project and I want to be able to keep these upper cabinets associated with the group for scheduling.

Any thoughts?

2006-06-02, 03:52 PM
You could edit the family and copy it into a non-wall hosted family template, then reload it into your project. This might take about as much time though as losing the cabinet when you delete the wall and then just reinserting it afterwards...I hope somebody else comes up with a better idea. :)