View Full Version : Area Schedule - Gross Footprint Area & Built Area

2006-06-02, 12:58 AM
Another area schedule question! (I have been reading various threads but cant figure it out).

I have created schedules for each level (and various design options) of my mass model by sketching area boundaries and creating new area schemes for each option.

What I need to do is show each area as a percentage of the Built area of that level as well as a percentage of the Gross footprint. I can do one or the other separately by simply including Void areas or leaving them out but I cannot find out how to display both in the same schedule.

I will be outputting an overall area schedule including all levels shown together as well as an area schedule for each level separately to be shown below each plan (these need to indicate gross to net area ratios to the developer).

Attached is an image of two area plans with the left one including voids, indicating the gross footprint percentages for level 2 and the one on the right showing the Built area percentages for level 3 (I have typed in the % of footprint manually on this one as a workaround).

Any advice??

2006-06-02, 08:57 PM
The only way is to create a shared parameter for one of the values, then manualy copy the area into that and use it to do your calculated value.

2006-06-03, 11:10 AM
Scott is correct on include all the areas from several levels into the same schedule you will need a shared parameter.

You can have Revit calculate the percentages for each floor by adding a calculated field to the schedule and using a formula that uses the spaces area divided by gross or net levels area.

2006-06-03, 12:43 PM
This is a wishlist 'must-have' IMHO