View Full Version : Half Brick wall with siding behind

2006-06-02, 01:44 PM
Hello Im currently trying to create a brick wall 36" high with a siding surface 4 inches behind it. I've tried to change the heights in the properties dialog box but when I unlock the heights the whole wall height moves with it. I also tried editing the wall profile in an elevation view but it directs me to a straight on shot just to edit the front of the wall.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2006-06-02, 02:18 PM
If I understand correctly, you need to have two walls. One is the 36"h brick and the other is the full height siding. Then you can use join geometry to join them.

If this doesn't answer the question, can you post a drawing or something of what you are trying to make.

2006-06-02, 03:41 PM
If the issue is a 10' or so high main wall with siding that has brick on the lower 36", this can be done using a "stacked wall". Create 2 wall types, one with brick and one with siding. Go to stacked wall type and edit/duplicate create two vertical types and assign the brick wall to the lower type. One word of caution, I am having issues with doors cutting through all the types. See the Question I have posted.