View Full Version : Level Head Symbols

2003-06-04, 05:48 PM
Custom Level Heads will not mirror correctly when text is included in the family. See attached file.

2003-06-04, 06:38 PM
I posted on this topic a while back re: a level head type that included some text I added to a level head. It's not really a mirroring issue. If you use level heads the right way...i.e. click the check box to turn on/off level heads on one side or the other, the text only appears correctly on the side that the level head was created on. On the other side, it does the typical "bad mirroring" stuff, like inverting and ending up on the other side of the head. I don't know what the solution is...just wanted to add more info. I wish this worked better too!


2003-06-04, 07:22 PM
This has been brought to the attention of Revit development. The only work around right now is to make a left hand version which is a bit hard since you have to make it "blind" in the family editor. That takes care of the labels only. There is no work around for the plain text.

Wes Macaulay
2003-06-04, 11:10 PM
What I do is import an AutoCAD line that has one end at 0,0. If you insert this origin-to-origin, the end of the line at 0,0 gives you the origin of the Revit family when it's inserted into the project.

This way, I can build annotation families (like level bubbles) and I know they'll end up exactly on the end of the level line.

2003-06-04, 11:30 PM
Okay, I admit it, I'm confused...why do you need to do this Wes?? Sorry but I must be foggy??

Oh my, I just realized your avatar reminds me of an old English drum roadie I used to tour with...wonder what he's up to, he told me he'd never speak to me again when I quit the "road" over a woman! He could drink a fifth of Jack a night and you'd never know it.

2003-06-05, 02:15 PM
You can use reference planes to define the origin. There is a check box in the property panel of the ref. plane to do just this.

The problem with this in the level heads is that the mirroring is not being done correctly. So if you want to make a left handed level head you have to plan on how these objects will be mirrored "incorrectly"

Wes Macaulay
2003-06-21, 04:20 AM
Hey Steve... hmmm.... I think it was to pull in an AutoCAD annotation so that the Revit level head would look exactly like the AutoCAD one, and my clients were upset that it seemed like Revit doesn't have a 0,0 in its co-ordinate system. So I showed them that 0,0 in AutoCAD becomes the origin for Revit families, or lands at the origin of a project.

My avatar is taken from one of the crazy spin-off sites from http://www.landoverbaptist.org. I grew up in crazy churches in the prairies, and while I still retain a high degree of faith, this is a hilarious send-up of everything that is wrong with western Christianity. I may believe, but I concur with the bumper sticker that says


Hehehe... and while I steer clear of large quantities of Jack, I'm quite partial of McEwen's - the beer real men drink! And oddly enough, I'm a drummer too.