View Full Version : Key Schedules of Key Schedules... I think

2006-06-02, 08:06 PM
I've been searching through the Forum looking for information on how to setup Key Schedules and I think I'm starting to understand how it works (thinking of it as a look up table helps some).

What I'd like to do, I think, is have a Key Schedule reference another Key Schedule... let me explain.

As many/most of us do, our Finish Schedule abbreviates finishes (CPT-1, PT-1, ACT-1, etc.). I'd like to be able to create a Finish Schedule that includes these marks and describes them (manufacturer, color/model, etc.) that other schedules can reference.

I've seen some posts about how this might be done on a parameter-by-parameter basis but that would mean a separate schedule for each and I'd like to have one schedule for all. As an example we have 4 finish parameters for our Walls (N, S, E, W) and I don't want to have to repeat the paint information 4 times.

Does this make any sense?

Maybe put another way, is there a way I can schedule and describe the abbreviations I use in other schedules...

2006-06-02, 09:30 PM
I made an annotation family and place it several times on a duplicated view of any floor plan, and created a schedule for it.

I attached a drawing so you can see it, hope it helps. Let me know

You could use this method for other items that revit can not create too.
