View Full Version : Architectural Graphics question

2006-06-02, 11:11 PM
We are working on a large renovation, where we are adding a new building to the side of the old building. The guy with his name on the company would like to do a very particular kind of image, one that he has become very enamoured with because SketchUp does it so easily. Specifically, we want a sequence of images. The entire existing building, then the E building with just the new foundation, then E with N foundation and structure, then add in the walls, then the roof, etc. Basically the whole existing building is there the whole time, and each successive image adds a little more of the new building.
Now, with an all new building I know you can change the View Properties to just make the roof go away, or just the foundation and walls show up. But it seems to cross phases, meaning I loose my E roof when I loose my N roof. Is there any way to filter the View Properties so that all E stuff remains, while some N stuff goes away?
This is one of those things that, if Revit does it, it is probably crazy easy. But if it doesn't, we may just want to export to DWG and deal with it in Sketchup. I would rather not get in that habit too early, though.


Justin Marchiel
2006-06-02, 11:43 PM
I have not done it, but you could also make different catagories and turn them on/off for the different views.

I think that phase might work if you get up a phase for every set (ie foundation, walls, roof, etc,) and have specific filters (existing+foundation, existing+roof, etc.)

Haven't tried it, but it might work.


2006-06-03, 01:01 AM
You might want to look into the new filter tool. It allows you to do a variety of situations and it may be adaptive to what you specify.

2006-06-03, 03:58 AM
I think you have four options...
1. Manage visibility of subcategories and categories - probably tedious, and unlikely you'll get exactly what you want.
2. Enable worksets, and control visibilty of the worksets - makes some sense if you structured your worksets to follow how a building goes up - foundations, structure, infill framing, surfaces and openings, then roofs.
3. Use phases - similar concept to above, just done with phases and then phase filters to control visibility. This is what they were intended for.
4. The new filter tool. I haven't used it yet, so not sure how powerful/user friendly this is.

My personal preference would be for worksets because I am familiar with them, and I know they would be able to do what you want. Second would be phases. Third choice would be the filter tool, and last place would be categories & subcategories.

Best of luck.

2006-07-01, 10:15 AM
Use filters.
in comments of roof properties put E in one roof and N in the other. set filter for each relevant view. this is wot they for.

2006-07-01, 02:35 PM
A quick and dirty solution: Hide/Isolate and screen captures.

Chirag Dedhia
2006-07-01, 06:15 PM
Maybe wat the guy wants is that he wants to show how the building will come up over a period of time. Phasing is exactly meant for that. You can phase different parts of the building/s over a timeline. And you can also quantify materials etc over the same timeline! That makes Phases worth all the effort!

All in all, you can go for Phasing or Filters(which could get what u want immediately).

2006-07-04, 11:43 PM
You could create seperate files for each view sequence and save them in their own folder for future references when you need to go back to them for some reason. And you can add/remove something from each view (file) without worrying if it is affecting the others...

2006-07-05, 09:10 AM
If you link the old building into the new, then turning of categories will not affect the linked(old) building.