View Full Version : Can't Create Parametric Column

2006-06-05, 06:57 PM
I need to create a parametric bended column like the attachment 1. When creating complex parametric columns I use the method where you create a void, then tie the void to reference planes and use the edges from the void as path for the solid sweeps (attachment 2). However, when i want to create a parametric bended column, the only way to get the column to bend at the top is to use a sweep, but you can't tie a sweep to reference planes and let it behave the way you want.

any suggestion?

Andre Baros
2006-06-05, 07:55 PM
Good one. My computer is still down (surfing from junky old laptop) so I can't try this... but I think you need to create 2 more voids as guides. Create a "large diameter" void sweep along the slope of your upside-down pyramid void and a "small diameter" void sweep. These two should flex with the primary control void. Once that works, create your blend by picking and locking to the ends of the large and small sweeps. Up to here should work, I'm just not sure if those blends will flex properly. Good luck.

PS, I think the columns in the photo have a constant diameter and only look tapered due to camera distortion...

2006-06-05, 09:12 PM
PS, I think the columns in the photo have a constant diameter and only look tapered due to camera distortion...

Yeah, they have the same diameter.The problem is the transition part where the column changes direction in an arc. I guess the only way to do it is to create one square extrusion for the 4 columns and a 4 sided blend shape for the sloped columns. These two should flex without any problems. Finally the transition part should be create separately and tied between the horizontal and loped columns. I dont think it will work and seems to be very cumbersome, but i'll give it a try

2006-06-05, 09:17 PM
Tricky Question.... I don't have an answer, but it is always good to more people using revit for the less orthagonal projects and really push it.

Anyone ever told you you look alot like hef?

2006-06-05, 09:26 PM
Anyone ever told you you look alot like hef?

that is hef...one of my hero's

2006-06-05, 09:52 PM
If I were doing this I would create the columns as a family and forego the parametrics. It would take me longer to make it parametric than it would take to rebuild it a dozen times.

2006-06-05, 10:22 PM
You might try nesting some parametric elements into a single column family.

2006-06-05, 11:48 PM
You might try nesting some parametric elements into a single column family.I'd go this route. I built the attached messing around but doing it for real I'd build one of the four pieces as a separate family and nest it into a host column family. Same for the flanges etc.

2006-06-06, 07:17 AM
I can't open the file because I have version 8.1. However I'm going to try your route. On question though.....how much parameters did you put into it? Only the diameter or was it also possible to put in height and angle?

2006-06-06, 07:53 AM
Sorry... I didn't make it parametric at all. All those are possible though. If I have a little time tomorrow I can mock up one in 8.1.

Andre Baros
2006-06-06, 03:12 PM
Andrew, if you follow your original route and make a void mass which flexes correctly and includes both the shaft and the capitol you should be able to pick the edges and make the sweeps along the corners. To get the radius just add a separate parameter to a fillet arc between the straight segments (which you get by picking the edges of the void).