View Full Version : Keynote Frustration

2006-06-05, 07:49 PM
I am having a lot of trouble getting my keynotes to filter out in to different schedules. It gives me one big list of keynotes and they all to not apply to every sheet.
Example, I need:
Floor plan keynote schedule
Elevation keynote schedule
Sections keynote schedule
Site plan keynotes

I am using Revit 9 and there new keynote system. it wont let me add category's to filter out at all.
Any suggestions???????

2006-06-05, 08:30 PM
Don't know if this will help or not, we've ran into our own limitations with Revit and Keynoting, but the way we have been getting around this is to organize our keynotes into groups.

Keynote Numbers Category
0-99 General Notes
100-199 Site Plans
200-299 Floor Plans
300-399 Ceiling Plans

This way you can filter out keynotes properly.

2006-06-05, 08:40 PM
We only have one Keynote schedule for all sheets. Under Properties... Filter... we Filter by sheet. No need for different schedules on different sheets. Revit automatically filters out keynote numbers that aren't used on the sheet.

Then we keynote with the same number as the sheet A1 site, A2 plans, A3 Elevations, etc...

A Architectural
--A1 Site Notes
--A2 Floor Plan Notes
----A2.15 Copper Cricket (example)
--A3 Elevation Notes
--A4 Section Notes
E Electrical
M Mechanical

Then when you go to tag an object you could Keynote... User

2006-06-05, 09:00 PM

thanks the filter by sheet i did not know about that and that will help for now.
but i am using a csi format of keynoting and it would be nice to have a set group for elevation keynotes, sections keynotes, ex.

thanks for your input