View Full Version : Dimension Leader

2006-06-06, 06:37 AM

Does anyone know how to change the leader in dimension text from a simple line to a line with arrowhead. (See attached image)

Thx a lot~~

2006-06-06, 07:13 AM

Does anyone know how to change the leader in dimension text from a simple line to a line with arrowhead. (See attached image)

Thx a lot~~Hi Cecila,

if you rightclick on the Text, then select "Properties" then select "Edit/New" you can change a host of things including the types of leader arrowhead you desire.
(refer screenshot)

2006-06-06, 07:20 AM

Thank you for your prompt reply. I apologize for not explainning myself clearly. The leader line I was talking about is not attacted to a text. It is actually a part of the linear dimension style. I cannot find any thing inside property to allow the change I wish to make.
Again, thank you so much

2006-06-06, 07:40 AM

Thank you for your prompt reply. I apologize for not explainning myself clearly. The leader line I was talking about is not attacted to a text. It is actually a part of the linear dimension style. I cannot find any thing inside property to allow the change I wish to make.
Again, thank you so muchSorry for the confusion - I don't know - apart from your attached image I've always seens it as a leader without an arrowhead

2006-06-06, 08:11 AM
One of the first two images that I post in my original post actually has been tempered with. It is actullay done in quite a stupid way. I just put a text with a leader over the actual dimension. Of course, the text would not change as the geometry changes.

So, is there no way to add an arrow to the dimesion leader? I assume that since there is a very obvious way to turn it on/off, there must be a way to change its style too~~

Anyway, thinks for looking it up for me^^

2006-06-06, 01:19 PM
You could create a detail line that looks like an arrow head and group them. Then you could place the grouped arrow symbol and place it at the ends of all of your dimensions that are leadered. Of course they would have no way of updating with any change to the dimensions or text positioning.