View Full Version : structural deck???

2006-06-06, 07:53 AM
Hi all,
maybe this is a stupid question so I apologise for that but anybody out there could explain me the usefullness of the floor structure's structural deck? When I try to choose it Revit tell me I have first load a profile like that but I can't find anything in my Revit libraries...
Thanks in advance.

2006-06-06, 01:12 PM
I'm confused about which aspect of floors, I assume you are referring to floors, and structural decks. Are you using the design bar-structural tab>slabs to place a floor, which is the same as the floor tool in the Basic or Modeling tabs.

If this is about modeling tab-host sweeps>floor slab edges then there is ample help in Help! That is the only place I can see you would be asked to load or assign a profile to a floor edge.

If your reference to the floor structures structural deck is meant to apply to the structural layer or layers within a floor system element, then the answer has nothing to do with loading a profile and thus the confusion.

Could you post a graphic example or further define want you are trying to achieve.

2006-06-06, 01:28 PM
Revit Structure can have a profile assigned to the floor slab to show the metal decking for example. Revit Structure's floor slabs understand span direction and have a tag symbol to use to show which direction it is in. When a section cuts across this span the profile will appear, very nice!

Revit Building does not yet enjoy this feature, unless they tucked it into 9 without mentioning it :smile:.

2006-06-06, 03:45 PM
ah... that explain! It is as I thought and yes, it should really nice...
Thanks for your answer.

Adam Mac
2006-06-07, 12:57 AM
I would love that feature in Building....... factory??

2006-06-07, 05:37 PM
Revit Building does not yet enjoy this feature, unless they tucked it into 9 without mentioning it :smile:.

Nope. I noticed this when looking at our structural engineer's model (done in Revit Structure 3). I thought "cool, we can show a deck profile now." So I tried to duplicate their floor slab properties. No go. Next I tried copying the floor slab from their model into ours using the copy/monitor tool. Still no go. The floor slab in our model is exactly the same as the structural model in every way, including a loaded deck profile, but Revit Building will not show the deck profile in section. Revit Structure will.

As a side note: if the Revit Structue model is linked into the architectural model, Revit Building will show the flutes in the linked model.

Rachel Ritchie
2006-06-13, 07:21 PM
The copy monitor tool doesn't work to get the metal deck to show up. That's a bummer, because it really should! But ...you can open the model that was created in Revit structural with Revit Building and copy the actual floor slab itself from the one structural project, and then use paste align to put it into your architectural project. That will work! Not ideal, but works. But, you are not monitoring anything, and thus, not coordinating ideally with the engineer.

Copy/monitor doesn't work so well going the other way either. I would like to copy/monitor the slab from the architect's project, and then in my Revit Structure, edit the floor slab and throw in the deck direction etc. You can't do that either. If you want the deck to show, you have to create it all over again, and then delete the slab you created when using copy/monitor. At least you can use the architect's outline for the slab. But again, you aren't monitoring the architect anymore. And that can cause coordination problems.

2006-11-10, 09:40 PM
A solution to this exists but it requires someone to toggle on the "structural property" from within Revit Structures.


We are hoping that this toggle becomes available from Building in a future release, but for now at least it doesn't require our structural engineer to completely replace all the floor slabs. He/She simply has to open the model, select all the floor slabs, and toggle on the property.

Once the property is toggled on, Revit Bldg 9.1 will see it correctly as shown in the image below.
Both slabs were created in Revit Bldg 9.1 (See instructions in reply to "profile loading" above), the slab on the right has the property toggled on. The slab on the left does not. This image is captured from Building not Structures.


2006-11-10, 10:51 PM
To create the same complex deck from within Bldg 9.1, you will need to load the deck profiles families from the Structures 4.0 content.


They are available under "..content/Profiles/Structural" as shown below (note: you will have to install the content from the Structures 4.0 package):


Now choose the three deck profiles and insert in your file.


Now choose the structural design bar and click the slab tool.


Click on the "Floor Properties" tool in the design bar and Change your slab from generic 12" to the LW Concrete on Metal Deck, click "Edit New" and make a duplicate indicating 3" LW Concrete on 2" Metal Deck.

Now Click on the "Edit" button within the Construction Category to apply the complex decking profiles to your floor slab.


Select your deck profile and ok back out and you've now got a properly created structural floor.


Too bad it'll take someone with Revit Structures 4.0 to apply the toggle that makes this floor appear correctly in section view.


Got a structural engineer in house? Then just ask him to open the file and toggle on the correct property to see your handiwork.


Hope that helps.

I'm confused about which aspect of floors, I assume you are referring to floors, and structural decks. Are you using the design bar-structural tab>slabs to place a floor, which is the same as the floor tool in the Basic or Modeling tabs.

If this is about modeling tab-host sweeps>floor slab edges then there is ample help in Help! That is the only place I can see you would be asked to load or assign a profile to a floor edge.

If your reference to the floor structures structural deck is meant to apply to the structural layer or layers within a floor system element, then the answer has nothing to do with loading a profile and thus the confusion.

Could you post a graphic example or further define want you are trying to achieve.

2006-11-11, 02:06 AM
Nice post Richard. I didn't know that if you use RS to open the RB model that you could toggle that on. Good thing I have that installed :)

I haven't tried this, but what happens when you create a mass with a blend and create a slab by picking the warped face? What happens to the profile?

2006-11-11, 03:26 AM
Richard....I tried to give you some points....because your soccer moves are great!!!! but I couldn't, it wouldn't allow me!

BTW, nice, nice tip!!!!!!

2008-06-02, 10:10 PM
Revit Structure can have a profile assigned to the floor slab to show the metal decking for example. Revit Structure's floor slabs understand span direction and have a tag symbol to use to show which direction it is in. When a section cuts across this span the profile will appear, very nice!

Revit Building does not yet enjoy this feature, unless they tucked it into 9 without mentioning it :smile:.
Has this been resolved in Revit Architecture 2008? I seem to be running into the same problem where I can't get the profile of the metal deck to display properly, and it also gave me an error message regarding a slab profile.

2008-06-30, 10:26 PM
You've got to be kidding me. Who in the world thought that only the structural engineers would want to be able to see the deck profile in section?