View Full Version : Printer Set to Sheet

Henry D
2003-06-04, 09:39 PM
Maybe I'm not doing this right, or there is an easy work around, but...

It would save a few steps if the printer or plotter was set to the drawing sheet. I often have different size sheets A, D,etc. and I will always use my printer for my A sheets and my plotter for my D sheets. In the current setup, each time I print different sheets sizes I have to reselect the printer and the setup. It would be a big improvement if the Drawing Sheet "remembered" the printer and setup it previously used.

2003-06-04, 09:46 PM
Maybe I'm not doing this right, or there is an easy work around, but...

It would save a few steps if the printer or plotter was set to the drawing sheet. I often have different size sheets A, D,etc. and I will always use my printer for my A sheets and my plotter for my D sheets. In the current setup, each time I print different sheets sizes I have to reselect the printer and the setup. It would be a big improvement if the Drawing Sheet "remembered" the printer and setup it previously used.

I've found this to be annoying also. Most other CAD programmes I've used ( which shall remain nameless ) have this as standard. It just takes time to be tweaking the printer / plotter settings all the time.


2003-06-04, 09:51 PM
Take this one step further...all printer settings should be Sheet/View specific...like AutoBAD.

2003-06-04, 11:14 PM
Are you guys using 5.1?

You can save settings for a plotter/printer like, HP1050cm-E1 or HP1050cm-D and the sheet sizes are retained. Pick printer then the printer settings (lower right button) and your sheet selection. 3 clicks and you've printed a whole set as long as they are all the same size.

In 5.0 I found your issue to be true...but just as soon as I complained, 5.1 was available and was pleasantly surprised to see it "fixed".

I agree that a way to print E and D sheets in one plot command would be nice but then we don't mix drawing sizes very often.

2003-06-04, 11:52 PM
Every set of drawings we do has at least one or two sheets that are at 11x17 for the assessor. It would be nice to have these sheets remember that they are smaller sheets...i.e. remember which Named Printer Setups they are associated with. As it is, I don't even think the Revit Project file remembers the last setup used to print. Also, I would like to be able to create duplicate sheets at smaller scales in some cases and have them remember which print setup they are associated with.

That said, this would be a nice thing...not a must have.


2003-06-05, 12:39 AM
Are you guys using 5.1?

You can save settings for a plotter/printer like, HP1050cm-E1 or HP1050cm-D and the sheet sizes are retained. .

I'm using 5.1 and often printing to a Canon BJC 6500 which takes either A3 or A4 size paper. The print setting is never retained, ... in fact it usually reverts to some strange imperial paper size. Has been this way since v4.

Having said that, I also have print sets that contin odd sheet sizes so a fix would be good, even though it is just a small thing.


2003-06-05, 09:15 AM
What you describe is a pain but it is easy enough to set up a series of print options and sheet batches.

You can get the printoptions into your project template such that in my case I hjave draft versions for printing large format at A3, best versions for large format at large format, different colour settings etc, so that the colour printer is forced to mono and the mono printer is forced to thinkits printing colour so that I get good dithered greyscale. All these things repeated with portrait and landsacpe options.

The sheet batching you very quickly set up in the project folder but it is all bespoke to the project, but it means that for a project with a diverse range of drawings I can have only tree or four saved batches and I can decide to print the batch at draft, archive or 'real' with very very few commands.

2003-06-05, 04:00 PM
If I wanted to work that hard at something so simple I would have bought Architectural Desktop!

2007-02-27, 04:04 AM
Just want to revive this wishlist item. Do we have any answers?