View Full Version : Layer translator broken?

2004-06-02, 05:46 PM
Using LAYTRANS used to allow *.XLT files to be saved/reused. According to KB article TS55737 you still can use "...any valid...XLT file". However this seems to fail out every time. When I click LOAD and select the XLT file and click OPEN, the "translate to" layers never populate the right pane as they should. Anybody know how to get around this? Also, for that matter, if XLT files are still valid, why aren't they among the choices available in the LOAD fileopen dialog? Rick

2004-06-02, 06:25 PM

You need to run the Express Tools version of LAYTRANS to be able to use .LXT files.

You may have to unload the Laytrans.arx file that comes with AutoCAD then load the Laytrans.arx file that comes with Express Tools to get what you're after (it can be done, I've just experimented successfully here).

Might also want to check out the following -

-Laytrans, please! (http://discussion.autodesk.com/thread.jspa?threadID=330164)

Layor Translator file for using AutoCAD Express Tools - Layor Translator command (http://www.indiana.edu/~uao/html/iu_cad_standards_utilities.html)

Have a good one, Mike

2004-06-07, 10:16 PM
Mike - Thanks for the reply. Actually I had aready tried to use the original LAYTRANS.ARX from A2Ki but it needs to be recompiled, thus it's incompatible and won't load. Our install of A2K5 express directory has no new, explicit Express tools version of LAYTRANS.ARX. The only version is in the program file directory. Where precisely did you find a copy of LAYTRANS.ARX which is compatible with A2K5 and accepts *.LXT files? (Incidentally, my best times are about double yours! I am awed!)

2004-06-07, 11:18 PM
There is no Express Tool, because layer translation is now part of the core.

DWS files are the mechanism for saving layer translations now. The LXT files are supported only for backwards compatibilty. Contrary to TS55737 (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/item?siteID=123112&id=2867443&linkID=2475323) queued layer assignments are not saved to an LXT file, but rather a DWS file.

Please post a LXT file for me to test.

2004-06-08, 07:42 AM
Where precisely did you find a copy of LAYTRANS.ARX which is compatible with A2K5 and accepts *.LXT files?


I didn't, am currently running AutoCAD 2002.

Apologies if I mislead you.

Have a good one, Mike