View Full Version : Fascia

2006-06-08, 02:03 PM
Is there a way to get the roof or a layer of a roof to extend over the fascia like it would in real life? I always have these fascia runs in my elevations that look terrible and I end up just using line work and the paint tool to get rid of them. I've tried using the offset horizontally and vertically tool within the fascia tool, but that screws up all the miters at the corners, well, they don't miter.


Arnel Aguel
2006-06-08, 02:16 PM
How I wish that we could have the same function that we have for the composite wall where we can unlock the layer and extend it to where we want it to be.

I guess we should put that in the wish list item.

2006-06-08, 02:20 PM
you can't extent layers of a roof or floor.
In that case I create 2 roofs one on top of the other. One for the roofs structure and one for the top for example.

2006-06-08, 02:21 PM
You've got a couple of options...

1. Model your structural roof and your finish roof as two seperate objects having nearly identical footprints. Then you can control sheathing and shingles (or whatever) as you need to for those real live overhangs. Scheduling can be the problem in this scenario.
2. Fascias are profile based and profiles can contain detail components. You could create a custom fascia profile that provides the extension you are looking for. Material definitions are the problem in this scenario, but you can get it to display well in larger scale sections/details.
3. Model your "extension" as a separate, donut type roof object - it will be very thin in plan, 1" or whatever you desire, and it will be only those layers that extend. Use Join Geometry to eliminate the line b/t the two. If you want to keep it all constrained together, use pick/lock for the join line (while in sketch mode) and then offset this line the appropriate dimension and then add locked dimensions for the outer line. That way if the primary roof changes, the secondary will update as well. This is probably the best way from the perspective of scheduling, management, and graphics.


2006-06-08, 05:19 PM
Thanks you guys!!

Really helped!!
