View Full Version : Diameter symbol not working....?

Adam Mac
2006-06-09, 02:37 AM
Hi all -

i used to be able (pre v9) to "insert" the diameter symbol into a dimension
by editing the dimension and inserting ALT+0216 in front.
I can't get this to work now..... anybody fill me in?
I can't do it in the actual dimension properties box in either the prefix or suffix box,
although i can't remeber if you could in previous versions anyway!

Any feedback appreciated.


2006-06-09, 03:24 AM
I tried it in 8.1 and 9 and couldn't do it on either. We keep a list of special characters (like stacked fractions) handy in a legend view in our template. Once the characters are there just copy and paste them where you need them.

2006-06-09, 06:23 AM
Strange ... Works fine in vs8.1 and vs9 here with alt+0216 or alt+0248

Arnel Aguel
2006-06-09, 12:09 PM
Working fine here no problem at all :).

For special characters here is a tip from the Blog of Robert (http://dorevit.blogspot.com/)

an extract:

"Special Characters in Text"

Some CAD programs make it easy to insert special characters like ° or ±. I know Autocad has special key strokes for some commonly used special characters. With Revit you have to take a few extra steps to get special chacaters into Revit text (unless of course you want memorize many complex keycodes). The other advantage of this method is you have access to a pretty large variety of special characters like, ¼, ½, ¾. So you ask, how do I gain access to all these special characters! With Charcter Map, a handy little program that has been included with Windows since 3.1 These days in Win XP/2000 the best way to access Character Map is via the run command line. Go to your Start Menu, and click on "run". In the run dialog box type "charmap" and click "OK". This will bring up the character map program, a simple dialog box that displays all the charcters in the selected type style. You can then select and copy whatever characters you need, and paste them into your text in Revit (or any other program). Another quick hint, for very commonly used charcters you may want to make a list of the custom key strokes. The key stroke for a character is listed in the bottom right (if it has one), if it is listed as "alt+xxxx" then you will need to use your number pad to the right of the key board to enter the numeric code while holding the "alt" key.

2006-06-09, 01:25 PM
Perhaps your num lock is toggled off?

Adam Mac
2006-06-12, 10:41 PM
Thanks for all the input guys....... i'll pay more attention next time i need to insert a symbol. I'm not convinced yet BUT it did seem odd that i could no longer do it!