View Full Version : floor structure and strucural deck?

Justin Marchiel
2006-06-09, 09:27 PM
I was creating a floor and noticed that there was a structural deck layer noted. Is this new? When i tried to use it is said that no profile was loaded. Does that mean we can show metal q deck with its profile now? I didn't really try it out (will play with it a bit), but i am wondering if anyone has used it or noticed it.


2006-06-09, 10:15 PM
Where did you see that? Are you using building or Structures?

I see nothing new in the building, you always were able to create a deck layer and call it metal deck. The structures program can create the profiled deck and it will come into building with all the data, but you cannot create that data in Building AFAIK

Maybe post a screen shot

Justin Marchiel
2006-06-09, 10:47 PM
here it is.


2006-06-10, 02:25 AM
That existed in 8.1 under the Slab tool (same as in RS2).

2006-06-10, 03:32 AM
This is a feature that is part of Revit Structure floor slabs and not supported (exposed however) in Revit Building....yet. RS floor slabs understand they span structure while RB floor slabs do not. When you link a RS project into an RB project the profile does show up.

2006-06-10, 01:27 PM
My apologies for the lack of complete information...the feature as far as I know existed in 8.1 and you could select a deck, but it wouldn't show the profile when cut in section like RS2 would (same thing happens in RB9). We noticed this feature in the Roof tool in RS2 and found the same thing in 8.1. a wbhile back. We saw that the user input was the same in both applications so I assumed it worked the same. We have not used it in 8.1 since we link the structural model to the architectural and the slabs are modeled there.

Justin Marchiel
2006-06-11, 04:18 PM
I suppose that is why no matter what i tried nothing would work there.

So i guess what you are saying is that it is there so that RB can work with RS, but this feature is not available to use in RB..yet. I will keep my eyes open on this feature in future releases.

